Your new Life in the Tentacle Realm

Hello! Welcome to THE PIT!

A strange voice reverberates in your head, the scent of raspberries fills your nostils, and you open your eyes to something unexpected.

I'm so glad you're here! It's been so long since we've had any fresh meat! I was worried there at first since it took you so long to wake up, but it looks like you're okay. Oh? Don't worry! You're in a better place now! Much better than yte wordl you came fom. This is The Pit! Yeah, the name might be a little off putting and it's a little scary looking at first, what with the pulsing wall and pink ooze everywhere, but you'll get used to it. And we assure you it's perfectly safe here. Safest place in the Tentacle Realm, actually! This is where we help newbies find their place in the tentacle realm. Where we help you find out where you belong. Everything has its place here. EVERYTING. Even YOU.

You can't see who's speaking to you. All you can see are the pink walls around you, pulsing and squirming, oozing slime all around you.

You try to respond to the disembodied voice, but find yourself unable to speak. The words catch in your throat. You try to move, but you can't do that either. Your body feels numb. The sweet scent of raspberries grows stronger. The voice echos in your head, louder now.

You're going to love it here, I promise!
Now relax while we make a few 'adjustments'. Don't try to fight. This is for your own good.

  • Try to Relax...

    You begin to feel tired, and you hear a faint humming sound as you slowly drigt off to sleep. You are woken up by an odd tickling sensation in your lower back that spreads out quickly, wahsing across you entire body. You feel a warmth in your chest and head that seems to pulse along with your heartbeat. It last for some time, and is alomost pleasant, but eventually it fades away.

    Very good! That wasn't so bad, was it?

    Start with 0 Points,
    and 50 Corruption.

    Your total Corruption may not fall below 50, or you will go mad and lose power over time. For every 150 Corruption you are granted an additinal 50 Points.

    You receieve the 'RESSURRECTION' Boon for Free,
    regardless of which Patron you choose.

  • PANIC!

    You desperately try to fight the feeling of tiredness that washes over you, and suddenly it feels like you're choking. You black out. You are wrenched awake by a sharp pain in your lower back, and suddenly your entire body feels unbearably hot and heavy, especially in your chest and head, where you feel a searing pain unlike anything you've ever felt, but the feeling only lasts an instant and then it's gone.

    Hey! We told you to relax! Whatever...

    Start with 100 Points,
    and 0 Corruption.

    Your total Corruption may not exeed 200, or you will go mad and become a Monster. A negative Corruption value grants Points equivalent to half of that negative value.

    You receieve the 'PRIMAL INTUITION' Boon for Free,
    regardless of which Patron you choose.

While you sleep, you dream. No. You aren't dreaming. You're remembering. What were you doing before? How did you wind up here?

Choose at least ONE of these options.

  • Summoned

    You were brougt to the Tentacle Realm against your will, suddenly and unexpectedly, by either some strange circumstance, the actions of a mysterious cuild, or the intervention of a Deity. Due to the spontaneous nature of your arrival the boundaries between realities were not entirely sealed off, so it is possible you may be able to find a way back to your own world.

    Cannot be taken with INVITED.

    You may choose as many items you own that you can carry and/or fit into a carryable bag to have been transported with you. The items you chose to bring will become available to you when you enter the Realm.

  • Invited

    You were presented the opportunity to enter the Tentacle Realm by a Deity, and become their follower. You accepted their invitation and that Deity is now your Patron Because you came here willingly you have earned quite a bit of favor from them, but because of the nature of your arrival you are bound to remain in the Realm, and cannout ever return to your own world.

    Cannot be taken with Summoned.

    You receive an additinal 100 Points to spend in the CYOA however you wish, but you are required to selecto ONE Patron, you may not select a second Patron (but you may receive one through some other option), you must take on your Patron's Champion Quest, along with al teast TWO of their other Quests

  • Just Like in my Animes!

    You were given the chance to play the closed beta of a brand new state-of-the-art virtual reality game called Tentacle Realm, but it quickly became apparent that this is no ordinary game. You can really see, hear, feel, smell, and taste what your in-game character experiences, and for some reason, you can't log out, or contact the administartors. You're trapped in this game, if it's really a game at all anymore...

    You must pay 200 Points to select this option.

    You can now receive your Level by observing yourself. You will start at Level 1 (ONE), and receive 10 Points. You receive 1 to 10 Points for each Level you gain. You are able to gain Levels through aquiring Experience. See the Missions Section.

  • Man-Made Horrors

    You were playing what is colloquially known as a CYOA, or "Choose Your Own Adventure" game on the internet, an evolution (or devolution, depending on your opinions) of the "Choose Your Own Adventure" novel format. More specifically, you were playing this internet CYOA, an explicit degenerate fantasy referred to as "Your New Life in the Tentacle Realm", upon completion of which you will wake up as your "build".

    You must select the "Multiplayer" option from among the Prime Scenarios of the CYOA. You will be locked into a special "server" alongsied every other person who selected this option, separate from the "main server" or any other "servers", every Player in this "server" must also select the same Starting Scenario and Modifier Scenarios. This special "server" which you are locked into cannot have any Monsters from the Beastiary Blacklisted, and will by default have THREE types of Monsters Goldlisted and THIRTY types of Monsters Whitelisted.

    Only the FIRST Player in the "server" gets to decide which MOnsters will be Goldlisted/Whitelisted by default, without input fom any subsequent players who join, but each subsequent Player aside from the first may choose ONE Monster to add to the Greylist other than a default Whitelist Monster. Additional Monsters may only be Greylisted or Goldlisted if all the Players in the "server" agree to do so, but any Monsters Whitelisted by default cannout be Greylisted.

  • New You

    Rather than entering the Realm fully Transformed,Mutated,Empowered, and possibly even Cursed based on your choices in the CYOA, you will instead be subject to a delayed Transformeation, Mutation, Empowerment, and/or Cursing process. You will either slowly change from your original body into the new form you have crafted for yourself, or find yourself being changed by your experiences, a process which may take several hours, several weeks, or even possibly several years, depending on exactly how different the final outcome is from your old body. At the longest estimate you should be fully Transformed/ Mutated/ Empowered/ Cursed within the span of a single year.

    You must select (or Roll for) a different sex than you original, and/or at least ONE non-human Transformeation in the following sections of the CYOA.

    • If it takes several hours to fully transform you will receive a "Special Bonus" of 25

    • If it takes several days to fully transform you will receive a "Special Bonus" of 50

    • If it takes several weeks to fully transform you will receive a "Special Bonus" of 100

    • If it takes several months to fully transform you will receive a "Special Bonus" of 150

    • If it takes several years to fully transform you will receive a "Special Bonus" of 200

    • If it takes several decades to fully transform you will receive a "Special Bonus" of 300

  • Fate Roulette

    You were given the opportunity to play some game of chance, a once-in-a-lifetime chance to win an amazing prize. Instead of choosing all of the options in the CYOA directly, your "build" has a few base values predetermined by chance. Because you get to choose, you are granted 100 Points for each value determined by chance that you decide to risk.

    You must select at least ONE of the following:

    • Flip a Coin to determine your Sex.

    • Roll 1 d27 to determine what Transformation(s) you must possess (may be rolled up to THREE times).

    • Roll 1 d53 to determine what Extra Transformeation you possess (may be rolled up to TWO times), must take any Transformation(s) required by the Extra Transformeations you roll.

    • Roll 10 d159 to determine what Mutations you possess (may be rolled up to THREE times).

    • Roll 5 d33 to determine what Combination Mutations you possess (may be rolled up to TWO times). You must take any Mutations required by the Combination Mutations you Roll.

    • Roll 3 d99 to determine what Curses you are afflicted with (may be rolled up to THREE times). You must take any Curses or other options required by the Curses you Roll.

    • Roll 1 d16 to determine which Deity is your Patron. You may not Roll for more than ONE Patron.

    If you roll the same option twice for any given choice, that is a null roll, do not take it twice, and do not reroll that roll.

And what exactly do we call you? Dou you have a Name of your own, or do the people who speak about you only refer to you by what you are, or what you do?


Your Name is a very important aspect of your Character, and those blessed with a Name hold greater power than any who do not by virtue of their implied narrative importance. By default, you possess only a Given Name, you may keep your old "first name" as your Given Name, or you may ddecide to take a new Name for yoursel. You may only receive another Name via some other option in the CYOA that specifies you must/may receive one.

  • Given Name

    The Name bestowed upon an individual at the moment of their birth, most often by their parents, which provides an anchor for than individual's identity and allows others to appropriately refer to them in various social contexts. One's Name can influence the way they are perceived by others, and how they think about themselves, causeing one's personality to change and develop differently over time. Being granted a Given Name will copy a small fraction of the granter's power to the individual receiving the Name, allowing that individual to more easily master any skills/talents that are associated with their specific Given Name, and sleightly increasing the Experience they accrue from engaging in activities related to those skills/talents. An individual may possess up to THREE Given Name.

    Not possessing a Given Name limits one's potential for groth, and being granted one may cause animals/ Monsters/ etc. that do not normally have such Nams to "evolve" over time into unique variants that possess greater physical and non-physical prowess, and have access to special Powers/Abilities.

  • Inherited Name

    The Name placed upon an individual when they are born or adopted into a family or dynasty that already possesses such a Name, or when their own family/dynasty is bestowed such a Name by the Gods or by the overwhelming majority of a sufficiently aware and willing civilized population. One's Inherited Name offers authority and demands some level of inherent respect, but also comes with whatever other sorts of associations that the Name has acquired through the actions of other individuals who shared that Name. Possessing an Inherited Name provides an individual with a very slight resistance to some manner of harm and/or type of damage, and a very slightly increased maximum potential for harming others in that way or dealing damage of that type.

    Yery few possess an Inherited Name, as they are typically reserved for Royals, though such Royals can also grant less powerfull minor Inherited Names to those who serve them. True Kings and Queens possess an Inherited Name befitting of their station, a fact that distinguishes them from pretenders and petty tyrants.

  • Title

    A Name acquired by accomplishing certain opjectives, performing tasks repeatedly, or achieving specific comninations of actions. Titles are poth an addendum/addition to one's Name, and a special Power/Ability available only to those who possess and invoke that Title. By default, you cannot start with any Titles, but you may receive one by Apotheosis if you build an interesting character. There are innumerable Titles, each with its own condition(s) that must be met in order to acquire it normally, all of which can only be accomplished after entering the Realm. Vocation Titles refer to one's job and/or profession, and can only be aquired by having the associated job/profession for a certain length of time, Heroic Titles refer to one's heroic proclivities, and can only be acquired by doing wicked deeds, Noble Titles and Royal Titles can only be aquired by being nobility or royality respectively, Lewd Titles refer to one's sexual exploits and can only be acquired by engaging in lewd/sexual behavior, etc.

Not to alarm you, but your body may have mutated a little while we were fixing you up.

Don't worry! It's perfectly normal! Just your body's way of adjusting to your new life.

You can feel it more clearly now. You try to picture youself in your mind. Not the old you, but the new you.

Yould you like to fit in a little better here? Make your new life easier? While you're still here in The Pit your body is mallable, moldable, easy to change. WE can help you change, if you'd like. Is there anything you'd like to change about yourself? Anything?


If you want to be seen as neither or both Gender select neither Male nor Female.

  • Male

    Even if you weren't before, you are now a male. You have a fully functional penis and testicles. Your eyes, hair, and skin colors are the same as they were before. Your face is just as handsome or ygly as it was before, even if its appearance has been changed.

    Sex Compatibility: Mutations and Powers labled M next to their name can be purchased for half price, or grant double Points, this does not apply to any Corruption gains/losses.
    If you selected PANIC! gain an additional 20 Starting Points.

  • Female

    Even if you weren't before, you are now a female. You have a fully functional vagina and a budding pair of breasts. Your eyes, hair, and skin colors are the same as they were before. Your face is just as pretty or ygly as it was before, even if its appearance has been changed.

    Sex Compatibility: Mutations and Powers labled F next to their name can be purchased for half price, or grant double Points, this does not apply to any Corruption gains/losses.
    If you selected Try to Relax... gain an additional 20 Starting Points.

  • Hermaphrodite

    You may choose to be made a Hermaphrodite instead, thus gaining the genitals of, and therefore qualify as, both Sexes for the purpose of any options that require one Sex, this costs you 100 Points, and grants you 100 Corruption.

  • Sex Change

    Changing your Sex is a very long and arduos process that involves a lot more than shifting around some dangly bits and changing your face. This is a heightly invasive metamorphosis, thus it will cost you 50 Points, and grant you 50 Corruption. If you do choose to chance Sex, you are required to take at least ONE Curse with a Value of 100+.

  • Asexual

    You may choose to be made an Asexual instad, with NO genitals at all, this grants you 50 Points, and doesn't grant you any Corruption

Racial Transformation Mutations

Here are a few Transformations, each representing a Race, Species, or similar "type" of entity that exists in this Realm. Each Racial Transformations offers unique capabilities and bonuses, and provides at least ONE Power for zero Point cost. Each Racial Transformation provides a Point Bonus on a number of related Mutations, all Mutations that grant you Points each now grant 10 Extra Points, while Mutations that cost you Points each now cost 20 Less Points (if any Mutation reaches a cost of Zero Points due to this, it simply becomes Free, you do not gain Points if the value would be reduced to a negative number), this Bonus does NOT apply to the Corruption Value. All Female Mutations (Mutations coded this color) only grant the Point Bonus if you are a Female, all Male Mutations ( Mutations coded this color) only grant you the Point Bonus if you are a Male. If you count as both sexes, or neither sex, you do not gain any Point Bonus from either Female or Male Mutations, always apply the appropriate Point Bonus to a Mutation before halving/doubling its Point Value via Sex Compatibility or other factors.

You may combine up to THREE Transformations at once, all Transformations still grant their individual Conditional Bonuses and Free/Half-Off Powers, but when determining what statistically represented capabilities you possess, Extra Transformations do NOT count, but you may only select Ectra Transformations that you actually meet the requirements to possess:

Use the Body Stats(Heigth, Sizes, Lifespan) of any of your Transformations that you desire, in any combination.

For your Meter Stats(Vitality, Stamina, Energy, Mana, Sanity, Lust, Corruption), you receive only the highest possible value for each individual Stat from between each of your Transformations.

For your Primary Stats(Strength, Agility, Dexterity, Speed, Endurance, Perception, Intelligence, Wisdom, Faith, Willpower, Charisma, and Luck), you receive the best possible value for NINE of the Stats from between each of your chosen Transformations, and the worst possible value for THREE of Stats from between each of your chosen Transformations, you must decide which specific Stats values will be set at their Best and Worst possible values.

If you select only ONE Transformation you will receive a Special Bonus of 200 Extra Points. If you select TWO Transformations you must instead pay 200 Points, if you select THREE Transformation you must pay 400 Points.

  • Human

    Point Bonus:

    Eyes of the Beholder

    Curse Synergy:

    Morality +40P
    Black Mark +40P
    Mundane History +40P
    Male 40%
    height 5'8"
    Penis 6"
    Lifespan 100yr
    Female 60%
    height 5'6"
    Breasts B-Cup
    Lifespan 100yr
    Vitality 0
    Stamina 0
    Energy 0
    Mana 0
    Sanity 0
    Lust 0
    Corruption 0
    Strength: Average
    Agility: Average
    Dexterity: Average
    Speed: Average
    Endurance: Average
    Perception: Average
    Intelligence: Average
    Wisdom: Average
    Faith: Average
    Willpower: Average
    Charisma: Average
    Luck: Average

    You are a Human. What? Yes, you were already a Human. This isn't the same sort of Transformation as the others listed in this section, but rather this is you adapting to the Tentacle Realm, developing the uniquely Human potential that is inherent in all the great champions and heros of your Race. Unlike average folks, you possess the might to fight against the dangers of the Realm while retaining your purity. You may not select additional Mutations which grant Corruption, or you will quickly degenerate into a monster. In a life or death scenario, Humans are known to gain a temporary boost to their Willpower that allows them to break their body's limits.

    You recieve the INDOMITABLE SELF Power for Free. You may select any ONE Power for half price.

  • Fallen Human

    Point Bonus:

    Eyes of the Beholder

    Curse Synergy:

    Liberated +5P
    Perverted +15P
    Fetish Focus +45P
    Love Drunk +40P
    Criminal History +50P
    Amorality +50P
    Corruption Overflow +50P
    Male 35%
    height 5'9"
    Penis 7"
    Lifespan 120yr
    Female 65%
    height 5'7"
    Breasts A-Cup
    Lifespan 120yr
    Vitality 0
    Stamina 0
    Energy 0
    Mana 0
    Sanity 0
    Lust 0
    Corruption 0
    Strength: Average
    Agility: Average
    Dexterity: Average
    Speed: Average
    Endurance: Average
    Perception: Average
    Intelligence: Average
    Wisdom: Average
    Faith: Average
    Willpower: Average
    Charisma: Average
    Luck: Average

    Immunity: Ruin

    Resistance: Fluster, Revulsion

    Weakness: Lust

    You are a Human who has suffered and given into extreme Corruption at a young age, or even before birth, molded into a new "Race" that is adapted to not only live, but to thrive in the Tentacle Realm. Fallen Humans possess bodies that are specially adapted to Corruption and its effects, preventing them from suffering and forced Mutations or loss of mental acuity when they are exposed to high levels of ambient Corruptive energies.

    You recieve the INDOMITABLE SELF Power for Free. You may purchase the SEDUCTION and THAUMATURGY Powers for Half Price.

  • Ascendant Human

    Point Bonus:

    Eyes of the Beholder

    Curse Synergy:

    Morality +40P
    Warrior's Madness +75P
    Board Surfer +50P
    Male 70%
    height 6'6"
    Penis 8"
    Lifespan 150yr
    Female 30%
    height 6'
    Breasts C-Cup
    Lifespan 150yr
    Vitality 0
    Stamina 0
    Energy 0
    Mana 0
    Sanity 0
    Lust 0
    Corruption 0
    Strength: Average
    Agility: Average
    Dexterity: Average
    Speed: Average
    Endurance: Average
    Perception: Average
    Intelligence: Average
    Wisdom: Average
    Faith: Average
    Willpower: Average
    Charisma: Average
    Luck: Average

    Resistance: Stifle

    You are no longer a mere Human, but something more. A superhuman, if you will. Your power far exceeds normal Humans, and you are uniquely resistant to the effects of Corruptive energies and psychic influences. Ascendant Humans are a mysterious phenomena, and their existence is not well understood. They are rare, but most often seen among the likes of great heros, kings, and other highly influenctial people. While they are quite phusically powerfull, they also possess an innate resistance to Magical energies that, while protecting them from hostile Spells and other effects, also makes it far more difficult to learn any magical arts, including Spellcasting.

    You recieve the INDOMITABLE SELF and MARTIAL PROWESS Powers for Free. You may purchase the FIGHTING INSTINCT Power for Half Price.

  • Elf

    Cannot be combined with: Gazer,Zombie

    Point Bonus:

    Eyes of the Beholder

    Curse Synergy:

    Morality +40P
    Faith +100P
    {Dark} Weakness +40P
    Black Mark +60P
    Divine Revelation +100P
    Forbidden Knowledge +100P
    Male 30%
    height 5'9"
    Penis 5"
    Lifespan ???yr
    Female 70%
    height 5'7"
    Breasts A-Cup
    Lifespan ???yr
    Vitality 0
    Stamina 0
    Energy 0
    Mana 0
    Sanity 0
    Lust 0
    Corruption 0
    Strength: Average
    Agility: Average
    Dexterity: Average
    Speed: Average
    Endurance: Average
    Perception: Average
    Intelligence: Average
    Wisdom: Average
    Faith: Average
    Willpower: Average
    Charisma: Average
    Luck: Average

    Immunity: Sleep, Wasted

    Resistance: Drunk

    Your are an Elf. Your skin is totally flawless, you have elongated ears with pointed tips, and your voice and way of moving are far more elegant and graceful than any Human's. Elves are an anchient race, long believed to have gone extinct due to the influence of the Gods. Beings of purity possessing biological immortality and an innate attunement to magical energies, such True Elves are the most naturally gifted magic users of any race, but they have extremely low fertility and virility compared to all other intelligent races. True Elves are also immune to Corruption and its effects, and thus you cannout take any additional Mutations that grant Corruption if you with to remain a True Elf. If you decide to take any additional Transformations or Mutations you will become a Fallen Elf, and lose the biological immortality that comes with being a True Elf. Legends say that the Elves fell from grace and lost their immortality when their God was defeated and imprisoned by the other Gods, there are no True Elves alive in the modern day, other than yourself, if you choose to become one via this option.

    You recieve the THAUMATURGY Power for Free. You may purchase the MASTERMIND and HIGH THAUMATURGY Powers for Half Price.

  • Dark Elf

    Point Bonus:

    Eyes of the Beholder

    Curse Synergy:

    Perverted +15P
    {Holy} Weakness +40P
    Edgelord +35P
    Amorality +50P
    Male 30%
    height 5'7"
    Penis 7"
    Lifespan 1000yr
    Female 70%
    height 5'5"
    Breasts C-Cup
    Lifespan 1000yr
    Vitality 0
    Stamina 0
    Energy 0
    Mana 0
    Sanity 0
    Lust 0
    Corruption 0
    Strength: Average
    Agility: Average
    Dexterity: Average
    Speed: Average
    Endurance: Average
    Perception: Average
    Intelligence: Average
    Wisdom: Average
    Faith: Average
    Willpower: Average
    Charisma: Average
    Luck: Average

    Immunity: Ruin, Wasted

    Resistance: Fluster, Revulsion, Drunk

    Weakness: Lust

    You are a Dark Elf, a corrupt offshoot of the Elven race, descended from the Ancient Fallen Elves. Your ears are long and pointed like a normal Elf's, and your voice and way of moving are far more sensual and graceful than any Human's. Dark Elves, while lacking the biological immortality of True Elves, still possess extraordinary long lives, and are still innately attuned to magical energies. Like True Elves, they have very low fertility and virility, but make up for this with heightened sex drives. Dark Elves are often found living among the ruins of Ancient Elven cities, trying to mimic those lost peoples, but many have also integrated into Human society, thriving in the Vynait Republic specifically. Dark Elves possess bodies that are specially adapted to Corruption and tis effects, preventing them from suffering any forced Mutations or loss of mental acuity when they are exposed to high levels of ambient Corruptive energies. Almost all Dark Elves who live outside of Human vicilization share a culture that venerates and encourages sexual promiscuity and the use of Dark Magic, with their religious leader all eventually being transformed into Succubi.

    You recieve the THAUMATURGY Power for Free. You may purchase the SEDUCTION, CHARM and HIGH THAUMATURGY Powers for Half Price.

  • Goblin

    Point Bonus:

    Eyes of the Beholder

    Curse Synergy:

    Perverted +15P
    Shameless +35P
    Fetish Focus +45P
    Love Drunk +40P
    Kleptomanic +40P
    Amorality +50P
    Male 10%
    height 4'5"
    Penis 8"
    Lifespan 300yr
    Female 90%
    height 4'3"
    Breasts E-Cup
    Lifespan 300yr
    Vitality 0
    Stamina 0
    Energy 0
    Mana 0
    Sanity 0
    Lust 0
    Corruption 0
    Strength: Average
    Agility: Average
    Dexterity: Average
    Speed: Average
    Endurance: Average
    Perception: Average
    Intelligence: Average
    Wisdom: Average
    Faith: Average
    Willpower: Average
    Charisma: Average
    Luck: Average


    Resistance: Nausea, Poison

    Weakness: Lust

    You are a Goblin, a corrupt offshoot of the Elven race, descended from the Ancient Fallen Elves. Your ears are long and pointed like a normal Elf's, and you are filled with an insatiable desire to produce offspring. You can be impregnated by (or impregnate) any other species, and your children will always be Goblins of the same sex that you are (if you have the Compatibility Mutation then there is now a 50% chance of your child being either a Goblin or the other parent's race/sex). Goblins age to maturity in only a few months, but live longer lives than Humans on average. If you are a Female, your Goblin children will always be loyal to you, as Goblins are born with an innate Curse binding them to the will of their mother, if their mother ia also a Goblin. Male Goblins are far less common than females, and most female Goblins consider them a mutated offshoot of the true Goblin Race. Goblins are inherently aware of who they are and are not related to by blood, but incest does not result in negatice consequences for Goblins, unless both the male and female parents are Goblins.

    You recieve the APPRAISAL and SEXUAL PROWESS Power for Free. You may purchase the BARTER, SNEAKING and SPELLCASTING Powers for Half Price.

  • Beastkin

    Cannot be combined with: Gazer

    Point Bonus:

    Eyes of the Beholder

    Curse Synergy:

    Liberated +5P
    Collared +50P
    Illiterate +50P
    Male 40%
    height 6'5"
    Penis 7"
    Lifespan 80yr
    Female 60%
    height 6'2"
    Breasts B-Cup
    Lifespan 80yr
    Vitality 0
    Stamina 0
    Energy 0
    Mana 0
    Sanity 0
    Lust 0
    Corruption 0
    Strength: Average
    Agility: Average
    Dexterity: Average
    Speed: Average
    Endurance: Average
    Perception: Average
    Intelligence: Average
    Wisdom: Average
    Faith: Average
    Willpower: Average
    Charisma: Average
    Luck: Average

    Resistance: Anosmic

    Weakness: Wet

    You are an anthropomorphic mammal of the kind whose features you possess. The Beastkin traditionally believe that each Tribe of Beastkin was created from the union of their Goddess with a different animal in the primordial ages of the Tentacle Realm, and Beastkin have a closer connection to their Goddess than most Races. You have fur across your entire body, you have a face like the animal whose features you possess, and you gain additional traits and/or mannerisms that type of animal; for example, if you're an anthropomorphic cat you may purr when you are feeling content, or be filled with a desire to of chase and kill small animals. Many tribes of Beastkin have advanced into the modern day to create civilizations on par with the Humans, with the Tyrept Empire being the oldest of any currently existing civilization, founded by the union of several different Tribes. While most Beastkin now live civilized lives, many still live. the way their ancient ancestors did, in small Tribes scattered throughout the wilderness where few Humans dare to tread.

    You recieve the ADVANCED MOVEMENT and TRACKING Power for Free. You may purchase the UNDERSTANDING and PREDATOR VISION Powers for Half Price.

  • Monsterkin

    Cannot be combined with: Gazer

    Point Bonus:

    Eyes of the Beholder

    Curse Synergy:

    Liberated +5P
    Monster Lover +90P
    Realignment +100P
    Illiterate +50P
    Maneater +100P
    Male 30%
    height 6'7"
    Penis 7"
    Lifespan 130yr
    Female 70%
    height 6'4"
    Breasts A-Cup
    Lifespan 130yr
    Vitality 0
    Stamina 0
    Energy 0
    Mana 0
    Sanity 0
    Lust 0
    Corruption 0
    Strength: Average
    Agility: Average
    Dexterity: Average
    Speed: Average
    Endurance: Average
    Perception: Average
    Intelligence: Average
    Wisdom: Average
    Faith: Average
    Willpower: Average
    Charisma: Average
    Luck: Average

    Resistance: Deaf

    Weakness: Chill

    You are an anthropomorphic reptile, amphibian, or fish of the kind whose features you possess. You have a hairless body with scales or sleek skin, you have a toothy maw like the animal whose features you possess, and you gain additional traits and/or mannerisms of that animal. Monsterkin are believed by the Beastkin to have been created in the same way as themselves, but unlike the Beastkin they lack a strong innate connection to their Goddess. Monsterkin very seldom congregate into Tribes or societies of any kind, and tend to live in remote areas away from civilization. They are relatively few in number compared to the populations of Beastkin and Humans in the Realm, but they do outnumber the Dragonkin and Anthropod-Kin throughout the Realm.

    You recieve the ADVANCED MOVEMENT and TRACKING Power for Free. You may purchase the SNEAK and PREDATOR VISION Powers for Half Price.

  • Aviankin

    Cannot be combined with: Gazer

    Point Bonus:

    Eyes of the Beholder

    Curse Synergy:

    Curious +5P
    Liberated +5P
    Quirky +15P
    Illiterate +50P
    Hoarder +40P
    Male 50%
    height 6'3"
    Penis 6"
    Lifespan 150yr
    Female 50%
    height 6'
    Breasts A-Cup
    Lifespan 150yr
    Vitality 0
    Stamina 0
    Energy 0
    Mana 0
    Sanity 0
    Lust 0
    Corruption 0
    Strength: Average
    Agility: Average
    Dexterity: Average
    Speed: Average
    Endurance: Average
    Perception: Average
    Intelligence: Average
    Wisdom: Average
    Faith: Average
    Willpower: Average
    Charisma: Average
    Luck: Average

    Resistance: Blind

    Weakness: Tar

    You are an anthropomorphic bird or avian dinosaur of the kind whose features you possess. You have a body covered in feathers, you have a beak or saurian-like snout, your arms are replaced with powerful wings, your feet are vicious claws with an opposable digit, and you gain additional traits and/or mannerisms like the animal whose features you possess. They are generally a peaceful race, viewed highly by almost all of the various Beastkin tribes. Their societies are far larger than the tribes of other types of Beastkin, typically consisting of three to a dozen different tribes of Aviankin that are closely allied which live together and freely intermingle between each other. The tribes of Aviankin are known to be trading hubs where goods from many different types of Aviankin, Beastkin, and even Monsterkin can be found, thanks to their religious teachings establishing them as the pacifistic mediators between other Races.

    You recieve the ADVANCED MOVEMENT and TRACKING Power for Free. You may purchase the UNDERSTANDING and PREDATOR VISION Powers for Half Price.

  • Dragonkin

    Cannot be combined with: Gazer

    Point Bonus:

    Eyes of the Beholder

    Curse Synergy:

    {Effect} Touch +30P
    Laziness +100P
    Realignment +100P
    Hoarder +40P
    Maneater +100P
    Male 40%
    height 7'
    Penis 7"
    Lifespan 5000yr
    Female 60%
    height 6'9"
    Breasts B-Cup
    Lifespan 5000yr
    Vitality 0
    Stamina 0
    Energy 0
    Mana 0
    Sanity 0
    Lust 0
    Corruption 0
    Strength: Average
    Agility: Average
    Dexterity: Average
    Speed: Average
    Endurance: Average
    Perception: Average
    Intelligence: Average
    Wisdom: Average
    Faith: Average
    Willpower: Average
    Charisma: Average
    Luck: Average

    Immunity: Overheat, Fatigue

    Resistance: Fear, Shook, Knock Out

    Weakness: Hear/Rut, Starve

    You are an anthropomorphic dragonkin. You have snake or lizard-like scales, a face like a snake, lizard, dinosaur, cat, or some combination thereof, and may possess additional traits related to those animals. Dragonkin are descended from union of the Ancient True Dragons with Human interlopers who found their way into the Tentacle Realm, and possess all the pride and cunning of both of their ancestral Races. True Dragons were the second intelligent Race to inhabit the Tentacle Realm, after the True Elves, and though few remain, their descendents stand alongside Humans as equals, as the two most powerful and influential Races in the modern era. While many Dragonkin eschew modern civilization to live like animals in the wilds, in the Dragon Empire intelligent Dragonkin are often found in the military, where they are highly respected and tend to wield authority.

    You recieve the INTIMIDATION, AUTHORITY, {X,}ELEMENTALISM and {X,}Breath Power for Free. You may purchase the ALTERNATE FORM and PREDATOR VISION Powers for Half Price.

  • Kobold

    Cannot be combined with: Gazer

    Point Bonus:

    Eyes of the Beholder

    Curse Synergy:

    Cueioua +5P
    Quirky +15P
    Hoarder +40P
    Monster Lover +90P
    Male 20%
    height 4'7"
    Penis 5"
    Lifespan 50yr
    Female 80%
    height 4'4"
    Breasts A-Cup
    Lifespan 50yr
    Vitality 0
    Stamina 0
    Energy 0
    Mana 0
    Sanity 0
    Lust 0
    Corruption 0
    Strength: Average
    Agility: Average
    Dexterity: Average
    Speed: Average
    Endurance: Average
    Perception: Average
    Intelligence: Average
    Wisdom: Average
    Faith: Average
    Willpower: Average
    Charisma: Average
    Luck: Average

    Immunity: Fatigue

    Resistance: Knock Out

    Weakness: Starve

    You are a kobold, a race of anthropomorphic dragonkin who lack any wings and do not possess the ability to use a breath attack. They are generally considered an inferior Race, and are often found in the service of more powerful Races. Despite their perceived weakness, they are rather hearty and tenacious for their size, and tend to breed. quickly and have large clutches of young. Kobolds are rarely found alone, and prefer living in large groups. Kobolds naturally possess a strong talent for understanding and communicating with others, and while in the past Kobolds were typically found living in the wild in large tribes, in the modern day nearly all the Kobolds in the Realm are found living within Human society. Kobolds occupy much of the low-level service jobs and "dirty" jobs that Humans would rather not do, and have thrived in such professions. Kobolds are able to successfully breed with any Dragonkin to produce viable offspring which always share the Father's Race, but couplings with Humans only ever produce Kobold offspring, and these Kobolds often possess features that appeal to Humans more than to other Dragonkin, such as breasts and natural makeup-like markings.

    You recieve the UNDERSTANDING and APPRAISAL Power for Free. You may purchase the DANGER SENSE and BARTER Powers for Half Price.

  • Arthropod-kin

    Cannot be combined with: Gazer

    Point Bonus:

    Eyes of the Beholder

    Curse Synergy:

    Odd Diet(X) +65P
    Realignment +100P
    Maneater +100P
    Male 30%
    height 6'3"
    Penis 6"
    Lifespan 60yr
    Female 70%
    height 6'9"
    Breasts B-Cup
    Lifespan 60yr
    Vitality 0
    Stamina 0
    Energy 0
    Mana 0
    Sanity 0
    Lust 0
    Corruption 0
    Strength: Average
    Agility: Average
    Dexterity: Average
    Speed: Average
    Endurance: Average
    Perception: Average
    Intelligence: Average
    Wisdom: Average
    Faith: Average
    Willpower: Average
    Charisma: Average
    Luck: Average

    Immunity: Nausea

    Resistance: Revulsion, Pain

    Weakness: Torpor

    You are an anthropomorphic insect of the kind whose features you possess. The Anthropod-kin believe they were created in the same manner as the Beastkin, but most of the Beastkin disagree, and believe they are the result of some other deity's influence in the primordial ages of the Tentacle Realm. You have tough chitin across much of your body (especially your limbs), you have insect-like wings, you may have bug-like mandibles or a straw-like tongue, you have a thorax extending from your lower back, and you will gain additional traits and/or mannerisms of that type of insect, such as craving sweets or growing a stinger. Less common than both Beastkin and Monsterkin, with only a few kinds known to form Tribes or larger societal groups, notably the Bee-kin and Ant-Kin, who form massive communities of identical sisters in the same way as the insects they resemble, lead by a more powerful Queen; only Queens of these types are able to produce offspring.

    You recieve the ADVANCED MOVEMENT and TRACKING Power for Free. You may purchase the DANGER SENSE and PREDATOR VISION Powers for Half Price.

  • Alraune

    Point Bonus:

    Eyes of the Beholder

    Curse Synergy:

    Liberated +5P
    Monster Lover +90P
    Realignment +100P
    Illiterate +50P
    Maneater +100P
    Male 0%
    height 5'5"
    Penis 5"
    Lifespan 8000yr
    Female 70%
    height 5'3"
    Breasts D-Cup
    Lifespan 8000yr
    Vitality 0
    Stamina 0
    Energy 0
    Mana 0
    Sanity 0
    Lust 0
    Corruption 0
    Strength: Average
    Agility: Average
    Dexterity: Average
    Speed: Average
    Endurance: Average
    Perception: Average
    Intelligence: Average
    Wisdom: Average
    Faith: Average
    Willpower: Average
    Charisma: Average
    Luck: Average

    Immunity: Sleep, Poison, Bleed

    Resistance: Fluster, Nausea, Fear, Pain

    Weakness: Dry, Root, Burn

    You are a humanoid plant creature. You have flowing leaves instead of hair, or hair-like filaments with flowers growing among them, and if you are female then instead of milk you now produce a sweet and intoxicating nectar from your breasts. Your main Humanoid body is attached to a larger flower-like body that moves slower than your Humanoid body, but which you can temporarily detach from. You must return to your flower body to rest and sleep, and you are able to photosynthesize and extend "roots" from your flower into the ground to obtain the nutrients you need. You possess the ability to incorporate the genetic material of up to twelve different kinds of plants into your body, allowing you to grow those plants from your body at will, and control them. You resist Holy energies, but are weak to Fire.

    You recieve the ADVANCED MOVEMENT and TRACKING Power for Free. You may purchase the SNEAK and PREDATOR VISION Powers for Half Price.

  • Myconid

    Point Bonus:

    Eyes of the Beholder

    Curse Synergy:

    Liberated +5P
    Monster Lover +90P
    Realignment +100P
    Illiterate +50P
    Maneater +100P
    Male 0%
    height 5'4"
    Penis 5"
    Lifespan 8000yr
    Female 70%
    height 5'2"
    Breasts D-Cup
    Lifespan 8000yr
    Vitality 0
    Stamina 0
    Energy 0
    Mana 0
    Sanity 0
    Lust 0
    Corruption 0
    Strength: Average
    Agility: Average
    Dexterity: Average
    Speed: Average
    Endurance: Average
    Perception: Average
    Intelligence: Average
    Wisdom: Average
    Faith: Average
    Willpower: Average
    Charisma: Average
    Luck: Average

    Immunity: Sleep, Poison, Bleed

    Resistance: Fluster, Nausea, Fear, Pain

    Weakness: Dry, Root, Burn

    You are a humanoid fungus creature. Instead of hair you have a mushroom-like cap or other growth that resembles a variety of fungus, potentially with hair-like filaments as well. Your main Humanoid body is attached to a larger mycelium-like body that moves much slower than your Humanoid body, but which you can temporarily detach from. You must return to your mycelium body to rest and sleep, and you are able to absorb nutrients from food on contact via your mycelium and obtain nutrients from almost any organic matter through this method. You possess the ability to incorporate the genetic material of up to twelve different kinds of fungi into your body, allowing you to grow those plants from your body at will, and control them. You resist Holy energies, but are weak to Fire.

    You recieve the ADVANCED MOVEMENT and TRACKING Power for Free. You may purchase the SNEAK and PREDATOR VISION Powers for Half Price.

  • Fairy

    Point Bonus:

    Eyes of the Beholder

    Curse Synergy:

    Liberated +5P
    Monster Lover +90P
    Realignment +100P
    Illiterate +50P
    Maneater +100P
    Male 15%
    height 2'
    Penis 4"
    Lifespan 2000yr
    Female 85%
    height 1'10"
    Breasts A-Cup
    Lifespan 3000yr
    Vitality 0
    Stamina 0
    Energy 0
    Mana 0
    Sanity 0
    Lust 0
    Corruption 0
    Strength: Average
    Agility: Average
    Dexterity: Average
    Speed: Average
    Endurance: Average
    Perception: Average
    Intelligence: Average
    Wisdom: Average
    Faith: Average
    Willpower: Average
    Charisma: Average
    Luck: Average

    Immunity: Berserk, Curse, Jinx, Bad Luck

    Resistance: Burder, Sow, Doom, Death

    Weakness: Hypno, Drunk, Lure

    You are a Fairy. Your wings are insect-like in appearance, appearing like those of either a butterfly, moth, bee, dragonfly, etc., and you are able to fly far faster and with greater agility than you could previously. Your body is much more durable, and your orifices much stretchier, and you are more resistant to blunt trauma of all kinds. Inherently magical beings, they are born with access to a special small dimensional pocket attached to their form, allowing them to store items and objects too large for them to carry normally. Fairies resist Holy energies and ONE other Element of your choosing (except for Dark or Metal), but you are weak to Dark energies and Metal.

    You recieve the ADVANCED MOVEMENT and TRACKING Power for Free. You may purchase the SNEAK and PREDATOR VISION Powers for Half Price.

  • Tentacle Monster

    Point Bonus:

    Eyes of the Beholder

    Curse Synergy:

    Liberated +5P
    Monster Lover +90P
    Realignment +100P
    Illiterate +50P
    Maneater +100P
    Male 30%
    height 5'9"
    Penis 9"
    Lifespan ????yr
    Female 20%
    height 5'7"
    Breasts A-Cup
    Lifespan ????yr
    Vitality 0
    Stamina 0
    Energy 0
    Mana 0
    Sanity 0
    Lust 0
    Corruption 0
    Strength: Average
    Agility: Average
    Dexterity: Average
    Speed: Average
    Endurance: Average
    Perception: Average
    Intelligence: Average
    Wisdom: Average
    Faith: Average
    Willpower: Average
    Charisma: Average
    Luck: Average

    Immunity: Hypno, Nausea, Despair, Corrode

    Resistance: Revulsion, Break, Pain, Numb, Poison, Acid

    Weakness: Lust, Arousal, Heat/Rut, Mutate

    You are a humanoid tentacle monster. Your skin is soft and squishy like a mollusk's, instead of hair you have a number of tentacles sprouting from your head, and you can, at will, change your arms and/or legs into multiple extendable tentacles. Each and every one of your tentacles may feature a sexual organ of your choice. Most Tentacle Monsters are hermaphrodites, but still tend to primarily utilize male genitalia in confrontations with other Races. You can communicate with tentacled creatures, and they will typically see you as one of their own, not viewing you as a either threat or prey. Tentacle Monsters come in many shapes and sizes, and might display great variation in their body plan, appearance, and capabilities. All Tentacle Monsters prefer Humanoid prey, feeding on the Mana, Energy, Vitality, or sexual energies of their victims. They are often found living in deep caves and ancient ruins, but most reside in the regions of The Pink and The Consumed, where they are the dominant forms of life.

    You recieve the ADVANCED MOVEMENT and TRACKING Power for Free. You may purchase the SNEAK and PREDATOR VISION Powers for Half Price.

  • Succubus

    Point Bonus:

    Eyes of the Beholder

    Curse Synergy:

    Liberated +5P
    Monster Lover +90P
    Realignment +100P
    Illiterate +50P
    Maneater +100P
    Male 10%
    height 5'11"
    Penis 8"
    Lifespan ????yr
    Female 70%
    height 5'5"
    Breasts C-Cup
    Lifespan ????yr
    Vitality 0
    Stamina 0
    Energy 0
    Mana 0
    Sanity 0
    Lust 0
    Corruption 0
    Strength: Average
    Agility: Average
    Dexterity: Average
    Speed: Average
    Endurance: Average
    Perception: Average
    Intelligence: Average
    Wisdom: Average
    Faith: Average
    Willpower: Average
    Charisma: Average
    Luck: Average

    Immunity: Sleep, Break, Corrupt

    Resistance: Charm, Numb, Mutate, C.Burn

    Weakness: Dity, Lust, Itchy, Arousal

    You are a Succubus (or an Incubus if you are male), a type of Demon that resembles Elves, but with some very telling physiological differences, such as beast-like horns, bat-like wings, and long spaded tails, along with often possessing skin of an odd or unnatural color. Succubi are found across the Realm, spreading their corruptive influence and thriving within both civilized nations and the wilds. You feed on sexual energies, and require real sex at least once a day or you begin to weaken; going over a month without sex will cause you to wither away, and going without it for a year will result in your death. All of your body's orifices are enhanced to provide extreme pleasure to your sexual partners, and your own mind is fortified to handle extreme levels of stimulation without long-term side effects. You can't be impregnated or impregnate others under normal circumstances, but you can still act as an incubator for eggs or seeds (incompatible with the Compatibility Mutation). You are weak to Metal, but resist Holy, Fire, and Lightning.

    You recieve the ADVANCED MOVEMENT and TRACKING Power for Free. You may purchase the SNEAK and PREDATOR VISION Powers for Half Price.

  • Angel

    Point Bonus:

    Eyes of the Beholder

    Curse Synergy:

    Liberated +5P
    Monster Lover +90P
    Realignment +100P
    Illiterate +50P
    Maneater +100P
    Male 40%
    height 6'
    Penis 6"
    Lifespan ????yr
    Female 60%
    height 5'9"
    Breasts B-Cup
    Lifespan ????yr
    Vitality 0
    Stamina 0
    Energy 0
    Mana 0
    Sanity 0
    Lust 0
    Corruption 0
    Strength: Average
    Agility: Average
    Dexterity: Average
    Speed: Average
    Endurance: Average
    Perception: Average
    Intelligence: Average
    Wisdom: Average
    Faith: Average
    Willpower: Average
    Charisma: Average
    Luck: Average

    Immunity: Hypno, Sleep, Break, Doom

    Resistance: Control, Coma, Ruin, Curse, Death

    Weakness: Silence, Lure, M. Burn

    You are an Angel, an entity created by the Old Gods in reverence of a time before the Realm existed. A facsimile of the divine, Angels are naturally magical entities who feed on Mana. They possess an inherent ability to sense magic and manipulate divine energies, and are adept fliers capable of remaining weightless in the air indefinitely. As servants of the Gods, they are seen as extremely beautiful by most of the Tentacle Realm's inhabitants and possess great inherent power, but they are restricted in their ability to act freely, being physically incapable of willingly disobeying the commands and tenets of the Deity they are aligned with. You absorb Holy energies, and resist Dark energies and both Lightning and Fire, but are weak to Metal.

    You recieve the ADVANCED MOVEMENT and TRACKING Power for Free. You may purchase the SNEAK and PREDATOR VISION Powers for Half Price.

  • Elemental

    Cannot be combined with: Zombie

    Point Bonus:

    Eyes of the Beholder

    Curse Synergy:

    Liberated +5P
    Monster Lover +90P
    Realignment +100P
    Illiterate +50P
    Maneater +100P
    Male 35%
    height 5'6"
    Penis 6"
    Lifespan ????yr
    Female 65%
    height 5'6"
    Breasts C-Cup
    Lifespan ????yr
    Vitality 0
    Stamina 0
    Energy 0
    Mana 0
    Sanity 0
    Lust 0
    Corruption 0
    Strength: Average
    Agility: Average
    Dexterity: Average
    Speed: Average
    Endurance: Average
    Perception: Average
    Intelligence: Average
    Wisdom: Average
    Faith: Average
    Willpower: Average
    Charisma: Average
    Luck: Average

    Immunity: Sleep, Break, Pain, Zombie

    Resistance: Coma, Ruin, Silence, Paralysis

    Weakness: Berserk, Numb, M.Burn

    You are a humanoid variety of Elemental. Elementals are the physical forms of nature spirits, possessing bodies comprised of the type of element they embody (Fire, Air, Lightning, Water, Ice, Earth, Acid, Metal, Holy, Dark, Plant, Fungi, Candy, or Blood). Elementals are beings of magic, and do not require food, but instead absorb elemental energy to survive. The first Elementals were primordial demigods, ruling over the Tentacle Realm alongside the actual Gods. While such primordial beings no longer exist, Elementals today retain an innate strong connection to their creator The Arrogant Star, and are one of the only Races to possess "biological" immortality. Rather than aging, growing old only increases the power of an Elemental, with the oldest being akin to natural disasters. An Elemental is able to alter its body's properties to safely interact with others (for example, a Fire Elemental will not burn anything they do not want to burn), and may do so without any conscious thought. Elementals absorb the type of Elemental energy they represent to heal their bodies and restore their Mana, but are also suffer intense pain and increased damage from one other type of Elemental energy.

    You recieve the ADVANCED MOVEMENT and TRACKING Power for Free. You may purchase the SNEAK and PREDATOR VISION Powers for Half Price.

  • Slime

    Point Bonus:

    Eyes of the Beholder

    Curse Synergy:

    Liberated +5P
    Monster Lover +90P
    Realignment +100P
    Illiterate +50P
    Maneater +100P
    Male 10%
    height 5'6"
    Penis 6"
    Lifespan ????yr
    Female 90%
    height 5"6"
    Breasts C-Cup
    Lifespan ????yr
    Vitality 0
    Stamina 0
    Energy 0
    Mana 0
    Sanity 0
    Lust 0
    Corruption 0
    Strength: Average
    Agility: Average
    Dexterity: Average
    Speed: Average
    Endurance: Average
    Perception: Average
    Intelligence: Average
    Wisdom: Average
    Faith: Average
    Willpower: Average
    Charisma: Average
    Luck: Average

    Immunity: Nausea, Revulsion, Pain, Poison, Bleed, Corrode

    Resistance: Oil, Wet, Toxin, Burn

    Weakness: Torpor, Zap, Chill, Frostburn, Freeze

    You are a slime girl (or boy). Your entire body is made of a jelly-like goo that is highly malleable, but which is able to maintain a semi-definite shape so long as you focus on it. You can even learn to mimic the color and texture of other materials for the outside of your body, if you practice. Your body can be penetrated anywhere with enough force, if you let it, and willingly allowing yourself to be penetrated will feel like having something inserted into a sexual orifice. You regenerate from injury extremely fast and your only organ is a soft, squishy, brain-like "core" which you can move around inside you at will. To reproduce, slimes create miniature "clones" of their slime core, called slime eggs. Slimes are naturally resistant to Water, Acid, and Fire, with bodies that are hydrophobic, fire retardant, and acid resistant, but are weak to Lightning and Ice, along with being affected more strongly by cold temperatures in general.

    You recieve the ADVANCED MOVEMENT and TRACKING Power for Free. You may purchase the SNEAK and PREDATOR VISION Powers for Half Price.

  • Candy

    Point Bonus:

    Eyes of the Beholder

    Curse Synergy:

    Liberated +5P
    Monster Lover +90P
    Realignment +100P
    Illiterate +50P
    Maneater +100P
    Male 40%
    height 5'6"
    Penis 6"
    Lifespan ????yr
    Female 60%
    height 5'6"
    Breasts C-Cup
    Lifespan ????yr
    Vitality 0
    Stamina 0
    Energy 0
    Mana 0
    Sanity 0
    Lust 0
    Corruption 0
    Strength: Average
    Agility: Average
    Dexterity: Average
    Speed: Average
    Endurance: Average
    Perception: Average
    Intelligence: Average
    Wisdom: Average
    Faith: Average
    Willpower: Average
    Charisma: Average
    Luck: Average

    Immunity: Break, Hunger, Thirst, Starve, Dehydrate, Poison, Bleed

    Resistance: Nausea, Revulsion, Ruin, Energize, Toxin, Zap, M. Burn

    Weakness: Overheat, Leech, Sap, Burn, Corrode

    You are a candy girl (or boy). Your entire body is made of one or more kinds of sugary treats, with a humanoid shape. You may have flesh made of bubblegum and bones made of candy canes, or an entire body made of licorice, or a body made of chocolate and marshmallow with gum drops for eyes, or any other candy combination you desire. All your bodily fluids are now some variety of sugary substance, such as soda or syrup. Most of your normal biological processes still work, such as your five primary senses and ability to eat, but you are no longer able to become pregnant or impregnate others. While the exact origins of the Candy Race is a mystery, there is a popular myth in which The Corrupt Maid teaches the sentient Races the secret to making candy, so many attribute their creation to her. Most are slaves and servants to powerful wizards and wealthy individuals, and while extremely rare, a few occupy high-level positions in Human society. Your body's ability to regenerate from damage is improved by a significant degree, and you are innately resistant to magical attacks, but you are weak to Fire and heat, and very weak to all Acid.

    You recieve the ADVANCED MOVEMENT and TRACKING Power for Free. You may purchase the SNEAK and PREDATOR VISION Powers for Half Price.

  • Living Statue

    Cannot be combined with: Zombie

    Point Bonus:

    Eyes of the Beholder

    Curse Synergy:

    Liberated +5P
    Monster Lover +90P
    Realignment +100P
    Illiterate +50P
    Maneater +100P
    Male 30%
    height 5'10"
    Penis 7"
    Lifespan ????yr
    Female 70%
    height 5'7"
    Breasts B-Cup
    Lifespan ????yr
    Vitality 0
    Stamina 0
    Energy 0
    Mana 0
    Sanity 0
    Lust 0
    Corruption 0
    Strength: Average
    Agility: Average
    Dexterity: Average
    Speed: Average
    Endurance: Average
    Perception: Average
    Intelligence: Average
    Wisdom: Average
    Faith: Average
    Willpower: Average
    Charisma: Average
    Luck: Average

    Immunity: Nausea, Sleep, Hunger, Thirst, Itchy, Zombie, Starve, Dehydrate, Poison, Toxin, Disease, Decay, Burn

    Resistance: Overheat, Chill, Pain, Petrification, Stone, Stagger

    Weakness: Burden, Numb, Root, Torpor, Corrode

    You are a gargoyle-like being with a body that is made of extremely hard and durable living stone, with white marble orbs embedded with a single large gemstone each for eyes. The first Living Statues were created by the Ancient Elves, who sacrificed the souls of other Elves to bring life to stone. The innate Curse upon Living Statues has a small chance to spread to other suitable statuesque forms, but they are otherwise completely unable to produce offspring. Living Statues do not age, do not need to eat, drink, breathe, or sleep, and are highly resistance to pain. You possess the ability to further harden your body at the cost of limiting your body's movement and making you heavier the harder you become, eventually to the point where you are basically a real statue. In this statue form you cannot move, but you are still able to perceive and feel any non-pain stimuli as normal, and are nigh impervious to all forms of physical damage.

    You recieve the ADVANCED MOVEMENT and TRACKING Power for Free. You may purchase the SNEAK and PREDATOR VISION Powers for Half Price.

  • Living Doll

    Point Bonus:

    Eyes of the Beholder

    Curse Synergy:

    Liberated +5P
    Monster Lover +90P
    Realignment +100P
    Illiterate +50P
    Maneater +100P
    Male 20%
    height 5'7"
    Penis 6"
    Lifespan ????yr
    Female 80%
    height 5'5"
    Breasts B-Cup
    Lifespan ????yr
    Vitality 0
    Stamina 0
    Energy 0
    Mana 0
    Sanity 0
    Lust 0
    Corruption 0
    Strength: Average
    Agility: Average
    Dexterity: Average
    Speed: Average
    Endurance: Average
    Perception: Average
    Intelligence: Average
    Wisdom: Average
    Faith: Average
    Willpower: Average
    Charisma: Average
    Luck: Average

    Immunity: Nausea, Sleep, Hunger, Thirst, Itchy, Zombie, Starve, Dehydrate, Poison, Toxin, Disease, Decay

    Resistance: Overheat, Chill, Energize, Pain, Zap

    Weakness: Curse, Jinx, Burn, Corrode

    You are a living doll, an entirely artificial and inorganic being that is designed purely for pleasure, granted life by imbuing the doll with the soul of a deceased person or some other entity, or with an entirely artificial soul. You don't need to eat, drink, breathe, or sleep. Your body lacks any internal organs, and you can not become pregnant or impregnate others. You no longer age, are immune to disease, and you can handle much higher and lower temperatures than most beings. You can choose whether you look like a literal doll or still appear mostly as a normal member of whatever Race you are designed to resemble. You resist Lightning, Water, and Acid, but are weak to Fire.

    You recieve the ADVANCED MOVEMENT and TRACKING Power for Free. You may purchase the SNEAK and PREDATOR VISION Powers for Half Price.

  • Homunculus

    Cannot be combined with: Zombie

    Point Bonus:

    Eyes of the Beholder

    Curse Synergy:

    Liberated +5P
    Monster Lover +90P
    Realignment +100P
    Illiterate +50P
    Maneater +100P
    Male 40%
    height 6'
    Penis 6"
    Lifespan ????yr
    Female 60%
    height 5'9"
    Breasts C-Cup
    Lifespan ????yr
    Vitality 0
    Stamina 0
    Energy 0
    Mana 0
    Sanity 0
    Lust 0
    Corruption 0
    Strength: Average
    Agility: Average
    Dexterity: Average
    Speed: Average
    Endurance: Average
    Perception: Average
    Intelligence: Average
    Wisdom: Average
    Faith: Average
    Willpower: Average
    Charisma: Average
    Luck: Average

    Immunity: Nausea, Sleep, Itchy, Zombie, Poison, Toxin, Disease; Decay, Zap

    Resistance: Insanity, Coma, Ruin, Overheat, Chill, Pain, Paralysis

    Weakness: Energize, Numb, Corrode, E. Burn

    You are a Homunculus, an artificial humanoid lifeform created by a mysterious alchemical process. Your entire body is made of a strange metal-like substance that is as soft and supple as any normal human's flesh, but also able to harden in response to trauma to become as tough and durable as actual metals. They vary greatly in appearance, but most are relatively Human in form. Due to the alchemical/magical nature of their body's biological functions, Homunculi are completely infertile, unable to impregnate or be impregnated. Homunculi resist Dark energies, and have an easier time learning and mastering the use of magical and non-magical Metal manipulation abilities.

    You recieve the ADVANCED MOVEMENT and TRACKING Power for Free. You may purchase the SNEAK and PREDATOR VISION Powers for Half Price.

  • Zombie

    Cannot be combined with: Elf, Elemental, Living Statue, Automaton or Homunculus

    Point Bonus:

    Eyes of the Beholder

    Curse Synergy:

    Liberated +5P
    Monster Lover +90P
    Realignment +100P
    Illiterate +50P
    Maneater +100P
    Male ???%
    height ???
    Penis ???
    Lifespan ???
    Female 85%
    height ???
    Breasts ???
    Lifespan ???
    Vitality 0
    Stamina 0
    Energy 0
    Mana 0
    Sanity 0
    Lust 0
    Corruption 0
    Strength: Average
    Agility: Average
    Dexterity: Average
    Speed: Average
    Endurance: Average
    Perception: Average
    Intelligence: Average
    Wisdom: Average
    Faith: Average
    Willpower: Average
    Charisma: Average
    Luck: Average

    Immunity: Fluster, Lust, Panic, Fear, Nausea, Shook, Break, Ruin, Sleep Overheat, Chill, Hunger, Thirst, Drunk, Itchy, Pain, Fatigue, Exhaustion, Knock Out, Stun, Paralysis, Zombie, Heat/Rut, Stress, Starve, Dehydrate, Poison, Toxin, Disease, Bleed, Leech, Decay, Death

    Resistance: Pleasure, Arousal, Drain

    Weakness: Regen, Numb, Torpor, Bad Luck, Burn, Life

    You are a formerly deceased Human or Humanoid creature, reanimated through necromantic magics or some other dark phenomena as an Undead. Zombies are simple Undead, and typically do not display the capability of rational thought, instead being puppeted by the individual(s) who reanimated them. Like most Undead, you are incapable of feeling any physical pain or pleasure except through the use of magic, and are completely sterile, unable to impregnate or be impregnated by others without powerful magic. Undead do not require sustenance, as they are sustained by magical energies, and do not need to breathe or sleep, but are also not capable of healing or recovering from physical injuries over time without the use of magic.

    You recieve the ADVANCED MOVEMENT and TRACKING Power for Free. You may purchase the SNEAK and PREDATOR VISION Powers for Half Price.

  • Automaton

    Cannot be combined with: Zombie

    Point Bonus:

    Eyes of the Beholder

    Curse Synergy:

    Liberated +5P
    Monster Lover +90P
    Realignment +100P
    Illiterate +50P
    Maneater +100P
    Male 40%
    height 5'10"
    Penis 7"
    Lifespan ????yr
    Female 60%
    height 5'7"
    Breasts B-Cup
    Lifespan ????yr
    Vitality 0
    Stamina 0
    Energy 0
    Mana 0
    Sanity 0
    Lust 0
    Corruption 0
    Strength: Average
    Agility: Average
    Dexterity: Average
    Speed: Average
    Endurance: Average
    Perception: Average
    Intelligence: Average
    Wisdom: Average
    Faith: Average
    Willpower: Average
    Charisma: Average
    Luck: Average

    Immunity: Fluster, Lust, Panic, Fear, Nausea, Shook, Break, Ruin, Sleep Overheat, Chill, Hunger, Thirst, Drunk, Itchy, Pain, Fatigue, Exhaustion, Knock Out, Stun, Paralysis, Zombie, Heat/Rut, Stress, Starve, Dehydrate, Poison, Toxin, Disease, Bleed, Leech, Decay, Death

    Resistance: Zap, Mutate, Death

    Weakness: Energize, Nub, Stop, Disable, Polymorph, Corrode

    You are an automaton, a Humanoid android/robot with a body fashioned primarily of metal and various electronic components. While superficially similar to a Living Doll, you are stronger, faster, and far more durable, and you have an internal self-generating power source that, if completely depleted through overuse of your Powers/Abilities, causes you to shut down and enter a sleep-like state where you cannot move or think. Your power source will automatically slowly recharge while you are not actively, but it can still eventually run out if you engage in continuous activity for too long. You are able to absorb Lightning and other electrical energies to recharge your Energy, but you do not do so passively, and have a high resistance to Fire, but are weak to Acid.

    You recieve the ADVANCED MOVEMENT and TRACKING Power for Free. You may purchase the SNEAK and PREDATOR VISION Powers for Half Price.

  • Gazer

    Cannot be combined with: Elf, Beastkin, Monsterkin, Aviankin, Dragonkin, Kobold or Arthropod-kin

    Point Bonus:

    Eyes of the Beholder

    Curse Synergy:

    Liberated +5P
    Monster Lover +90P
    Realignment +100P
    Illiterate +50P
    Maneater +100P
    Male 30%
    height 6'
    Penis 7"
    Lifespan ????yr
    Female 70%
    height 5'9"
    Breasts C-Cup
    Lifespan ????yr
    Vitality 0
    Stamina 0
    Energy 0
    Mana 0
    Sanity 0
    Lust 0
    Corruption 0
    Strength: Average
    Agility: Average
    Dexterity: Average
    Speed: Average
    Endurance: Average
    Perception: Average
    Intelligence: Average
    Wisdom: Average
    Faith: Average
    Willpower: Average
    Charisma: Average
    Luck: Average

    Immunity: Distract, Sleep, Torpor, Stop, Doom, Jinx, Bad Luck

    Resistance: Hypno, Blind, Stress, Poison, Toxin, Disease, Bleed, Decay, Death, Banish, Warp

    Weakness: Drunk, Numb, Lure, M. Burn

    You are a Gazer, a strange variety of ancient humanoid entity with a large cyclopean eye taking up much of their face and twelve additional smaller eyes, each at the end of a tentacle which extends from their lower back. Gazers are naturally gifted at manipulating and resisting magical energies, but are also weaker physically than most other Races, relying very heavily telekinesis to move around and interact with their environment, constantly floating wherever they go instead of walking/running. Despite their intelligence, Gazers are almost always solitary individuals who avoid contact with or are openly hostile towards all intelligent Races, and are well-known for despising other members of their own Race.

    You recieve the ADVANCED MOVEMENT and TRACKING Power for Free. You may purchase the SNEAK and PREDATOR VISION Powers for Half Price.

Racial Transformation Mutations

Here are a few Extra Transformations, each representing a rare and/or exeptional Race, Species, or similar "type" of entity that exists in this Realm. Each of these Extra Transformations requires that you have selected some other Racial Transformations prior, and might have restrictions on what other Transformations can be selected.

If you qualify for one (or more) of these Extra Transformations, you may select it without paying the Point Cost typically required to purchase a Transformations, you may not select any of these Extra Transformations unless you meet all of the appropriate qualifications.

  • Half-Elf


    Any Human & Any Elf

    Curse Synergy:

    Morality +40P
    Black Mark +40P
    Morality +40P
    Black Mark +40P
    Male 30% Female 70%

    You are a Humanoid who was born with Elf-like ears, a trait held by those whose ancestors interbred with Elves in the distant past,officially classified as Elfblood Humans by modern scholars. They possess longer lives than the average Human, and tend to age much slower, but otherwise are virtually identical aside from their ears. Though more common in the smaller nations on the outskirts of Human territory, the Race is noticeably less common than other "hybrid" Human Races, and most are the descendants of Dark Elves, rather than the original Elves.

    You recieve the ADVANCED MOVEMENT and TRACKING Power for Free. You may purchase the SNEAK and PREDATOR VISION Powers for Half Price.

  • Orc


    Any Human & Goblin

    Curse Synergy:

    Morality +40P
    Black Mark +40P
    Morality +40P
    Black Mark +40P
    Male 60% Female 40%

    You are a Humanoid who was born with Goblin-like mutations, the uncommon result of repeated couplings between Humans and Goblins, officially classified as Goblinblood Humans by modern scholars. One of the rarer Human hybrids, since the offspring of Goblins are almost always full-blooded Goblins, Orcs are entirely incapable of producing offspring themselves due to being naturally barren. Also unlike Goblins, Orcs tend to be taller and more physically capable than the average Human, with little aptitude for magic. They are just as intelligent as any Human or Goblin, however, though many think of them as "dumb brutes" due to their typically abrasive personalities.

    You recieve the ADVANCED MOVEMENT and TRACKING Power for Free. You may purchase the SNEAK and PREDATOR VISION Powers for Half Price.

  • Beastling


    Any Human & Beastkin

    Curse Synergy:

    Morality +40P
    Black Mark +40P
    Morality +40P
    Black Mark +40P
    Male 30% Female 70%

    You are a Humanoid who was born with some manner of animal-like or monster-like mutation(s), the uncommon result of repeated couplings between Humans and non-Humans, officially classified as Beastblood Humans by modern scholars. The average Beastling possesses heightened senses and modified physical capabilities related to the animal or monster they bear a relation to. Unlike normal Humans, they are well-adapted to life in the Tentacle Realm, and often find work as guards, mercenaries, and adventurers. More common in frontier towns and poorer cities, as the wealthier and more conservative of both Human and non-Human peoples view Beastlings as innately inferior.

    You recieve the ADVANCED MOVEMENT and TRACKING Power for Free. You may purchase the SNEAK and PREDATOR VISION Powers for Half Price.

  • Monsterling


    Any Human & Monsterkin

    Curse Synergy:

    Morality +40P
    Black Mark +40P
    Morality +40P
    Black Mark +40P
    Male 50% Female 50%

    You are a Humanoid who was born with Monster-like Mutations, the rare result of repeated couplings between Humans and Monsterkin, officially classified as Monsterblood Humans by modern scholars. There is an extraordinary amount of variety between Monsterlings, and defining any set of average characteristics for them is a wasted endeavor. Depending on the type of Monster they bear the features of, they might vary wildly in appearance, abilities, and attitudes, with some being savage killers who reject modern civilization and others being demure and timid intellectuals who are almost always found in civilized places. Others tend to judge them on an individual basis, and some scholars even reject the idea of classifying them as a single "Race" at all.

    You recieve the ADVANCED MOVEMENT and TRACKING Power for Free. You may purchase the SNEAK and PREDATOR VISION Powers for Half Price.

  • Dragonewt


    Any Human & Dragonkin

    Curse Synergy:

    Morality +40P
    Black Mark +40P
    Morality +40P
    Black Mark +40P
    Male 30% Female 70%

    You are a Humanoid who was born with some manner of Dragon-like mutation(s), the rare result of repeated couplings between Humans and Dragonkin, officially classified as Dragonblood Humans by modern scholars. Most Dragonewts possess heightened senses and superior physical capabilities compared to the average Human, and like their draconic kin they are naturally very tough and tenacious. Far more rare than Beastblood Humans, Dragonewts are viewed similarly by most of the World, but in the Dragon Empire they are considered the most attractive and desirable of all Races, and both the military and Church offer programs to recruit and train young Dragonewts. The Empress of the Dragon Empire, wife of Drago, is a Dragonblood Human, cementing the view of them as a "superior Race" to most Humans of the Empire.

    You recieve the ADVANCED MOVEMENT and TRACKING Power for Free. You may purchase the SNEAK and PREDATOR VISION Powers for Half Price.

  • Harpy


    Any Human & Harpy

    Curse Synergy:

    Morality +40P
    Black Mark +40P
    Morality +40P
    Black Mark +40P
    Male 20% Female 80%

    You are a Humanoid who was born with Avian-like mutations, the rare result of repeated couplings between Humans and Aviankin, officially classified as Avianblood Humans by modern scholars. Though many believe they are less intelligent than Humans, due to their erratic behavior and "air-headed" attitudes, they actually tend to be smarter than the average Human. However, their intellect is often solely focused on whatever task they are attempting to complete, or whatever object they desire, leading them to develop a sort of "tunnel vision", ignoring outside factors even to their own detriment in the pursuit of their goals. While their bodies are more frail and less durable than the average Human, they are every bit as strong, and have a high endurance, along with extremely keen eyesight.

    You recieve the ADVANCED MOVEMENT and TRACKING Power for Free. You may purchase the SNEAK and PREDATOR VISION Powers for Half Price.

  • Centaur


    Elf & Beastkin

    Curse Synergy:

    Morality +40P
    Black Mark +40P
    Morality +40P
    Black Mark +40P
    Male 50% Female 50%

    You are a Centaur, a hybrid race with the upper body of an Elf-like Humanoid and the lower body of an equine of some kind. Unlike Beastlings, which they are similar to, Centaurs are almost always found living in civilized regions, and are rarely discriminated against by Humans. They have long lives and possess a high intelligence, with great physical might and a natural aptitude for magic. Their large bodies, however, make living in Human cities difficult, so they are typically found in rural areas, where they act as protectors of both the people and their livestock, highly respected and trusted by their neighbors. Male Centaurs are known to be somewhat more aggressive, and it is not uncommon for them to become mercenaries and bandits, but female Centaurs are almost always reasonable and docile by nature, and tend to prefer a peaceful lifestyle.

    You recieve the ADVANCED MOVEMENT and TRACKING Power for Free. You may purchase the SNEAK and PREDATOR VISION Powers for Half Price.

  • Mermaid


    Elf & Monsterkin

    Curse Synergy:

    Morality +40P
    Black Mark +40P
    Morality +40P
    Black Mark +40P
    Male 0% Female 100%

    You are a Mermaid, a hybrid race with the upper body of an Elf-like Humanoid and the lower body of a fish of some kind. Legends say they are what became of the Ancient Elves whose kingdoms sank beneath the oceans long ago, and indeed in the modern era they are most often found living in thriving underwater civilizations built among those ruins. They are all very strong swimmers, and have a natural affinity for magic. Mermaids possess both gills and lungs, allowing them to survive on land as well as they do in water, though they become uncomfortable in dry air and tend to dislike remaining unsubmerged for any serious length of time. Though they rarely ally with Humans in any official capacity, they are known to keep friendly trade relations with coastal kingdoms, and protect Human ships from monsters. They are, however, highly protective of their waters, and will sink ships that sail too closely to their homes without express permission.

    You recieve the ADVANCED MOVEMENT and TRACKING Power for Free. You may purchase the SNEAK and PREDATOR VISION Powers for Half Price.

  • Gryphonkin


    Beastkin & Aviankin

    Curse Synergy:

    Morality +40P
    Black Mark +40P
    Morality +40P
    Black Mark +40P
    Male 50% Female 50%

    You are an anthropomorphic Gryphon. You have cat-like fur and bird-like feathers, bird-like hands and feet, a dextrous feather-tipped tail, a bird-like beak, and large powerful wings, and may possess additional traits and/or mannerisms related to Gryphons. They are highly intelligent, and possess great physical strength, but their extremely aggressive and territorial nature often sees them getting into conflict with other powerful creatures, such as Dragons and Dragonkin, who are their natural enemies. Gryphonkin value strength and martial skill above all else, and tend to have a disdain for those who rely solely on magic, but are not close-minded enough to be opposed to the use of magic in its entirety. Known to mate for life, they are extraordinarily loyal and trustworthy, and vehemently despise traitors and liars.

    You recieve the ADVANCED MOVEMENT and TRACKING Power for Free. You may purchase the SNEAK and PREDATOR VISION Powers for Half Price.

  • Lamia


    Any Elf & Dragonkin

    Curse Synergy:

    Morality +40P
    Black Mark +40P
    Morality +40P
    Black Mark +40P
    Male 0% Female 100%

    You are a Lamia, a hybrid race with the upper body of an Elf-like Humanoid and the lower body of a serpent of some kind. A very rare hybrid race, possessing both great physical and magical power, along with a cunning intellect and rather mischievous nature. Lamia typically live in small tribes, and are known to abduct men that strike their fancy to become their "husbands"; with a voracious sexual appetite and a disregard for the safety of others, they have a habit of accidentally killing mates of weaker Races. They value power and have a strong respect for authority, if they feel that an individual's authority is justified, often being led by the strongest member of the tribe. Lamia who reject the tribe leader's authority, or who are banished, tend to take up residence in caves and ruins, where they gather many lesser monsters to serve under them. Infamous for their ability to coerce and deceive others, they possess a natural charm and beauty that makes it difficult for weaker-willed creatures to even think about questioning their command.

    You recieve the ADVANCED MOVEMENT and TRACKING Power for Free. You may purchase the SNEAK and PREDATOR VISION Powers for Half Price.

  • Arachne


    Dark Elf & Arthropod-kin

    Curse Synergy:

    Morality +40P
    Black Mark +40P
    Morality +40P
    Black Mark +40P
    Male 0% Female 100%

    You are an Arachne, a hybrid race with the upper body of an Dark Elf-like Humanoid and the lower body of an arachnid of some kind, most commonly a spider. Arachne are almost always solitary recluses, living in caves and ruins in remote regions and avoiding contact with civilization, but a handful have taken up residence in Human territories. Despite their frightening appearance and fearsome reputation as man-eating monsters, most are not hostile towards Humanoids by default, and only seek to defend their homes against intruders. Some have even been known to trade their highly valuable silk and venom in exchange for modern comforts. Unfortunately, there are those individuals for whom the fear is justified; wicked man-eating Arachne do exist, and with their immense physical strength and natural talent for magic they are formidable and terrifying foes of humanity. Unlike other arachnids, Arachne will produce only a few offspring at a time, which they raise and care for intently until those children reach maturity.

    You recieve the ADVANCED MOVEMENT and TRACKING Power for Free. You may purchase the SNEAK and PREDATOR VISION Powers for Half Price.

  • Mythling


    Elf & Beastkin or Beastkin or Beastkin

    Curse Synergy:

    Morality +40P
    Black Mark +40P
    Morality +40P
    Black Mark +40P
    Male 30% Female 70%

    You are an Elf-like Humanoid who bears the features of a special type of animal, one known to be magical or otherwise mythic in nature, such as a Unicorn, officially classified as Mythblood Elves by modern scholars. Mythlings are an exceedingly rare hybrid Race, possessing either great physical or magical power that exceeds the potential of any normal Elves or Beastkin. While they vary in appearance and demeanor depending on type, all are known to possess an exceptional intellect, and they tend to strongly dislike the selfish and corrupt. Legends claim that some types only ever show themselves to virgins and pure-hearted warriors, but such tales are an exaggeration. They do, however, prefer those with a strong moral compass as their allies and companions. Mythlings are resistant to Holy damage, but weak to Dark.

    You recieve the ADVANCED MOVEMENT and TRACKING Power for Free. You may purchase the SNEAK and PREDATOR VISION Powers for Half Price.

  • Liliraune


    Elf & Alraune

    Curse Synergy:

    Morality +40P
    Black Mark +40P
    Morality +40P
    Black Mark +40P
    Male 0% Female 100%

    You are a Liliraune, a rare variety of Alraune with two distinct Humanoid-like bodies, sharing the same mind and soul, but able to act independently. As a type of Alraune, your Humanoid bodies are attached to a larger flower-like body, but at any given time one of your two bodies may remain separated, and can do so indefinitely regardless of how far it might travel from the other, so long as the other body remains attached. While both bodies stay together and are attached to their main flower, their magical and plant manipulation powers are increased in potency and effectiveness, and they cannot access their full potential whenever they are separated. The nectar they produce is a highly potent aphrodisiac that is also extremely addictive, which induces a state similar to being drunk in most Humanoids and animals that consume it. They are known to have a distaste for males, and are more likely to be aggressive and hostile towards men, while they typically remain amicable and overly friendly with most women, and especially attractive women. are stories of them stealing beautiful women from their husbands and families, and transforming those women into Alraunes, but the truth of such claims is debated by scholars.

    You recieve the ADVANCED MOVEMENT and TRACKING Power for Free. You may purchase the SNEAK and PREDATOR VISION Powers for Half Price.

  • Barometz


    Beastkin & Alraune

    Curse Synergy:

    Morality +40P
    Black Mark +40P
    Morality +40P
    Black Mark +40P
    Male 0% Female 100%

    You are a Barometz, a strange variety of Alraune which replicates the appearance of a sheep-like or goat-like Beastkin or Beastling. As a type of Alraune, your Beastkin/Beastling body is attached to a larger flower-like body, but atop this flower you now produce a wide cushion comprised of a special nectar-like "jelly" called False Ambrosia. This "jelly" is both delicious and highly nutritious, but also acts as a potent aphrodisiac, and is mildly addictive. Instead of normal fur or wool, like a non-plant sheep or goat would grow, you produce unnaturally soft and fluffy cotton from your body that resembles the appearance of fur or wool, and your cotton can be woven into tougher and more reliably wear and weather-resistant cloth than normal cotton can be. Due to the high value of both their "jelly" and and "wool", the mysterious Barometz are both prized and sought after by many factions of Humanoids, though they are rarely found living in civilized places.

    You recieve the ADVANCED MOVEMENT and TRACKING Power for Free. You may purchase the SNEAK and PREDATOR VISION Powers for Half Price.

  • Madcap


    Goblin & Myconid

    Curse Synergy:

    Morality +40P
    Black Mark +40P
    Morality +40P
    Black Mark +40P
    Male 0% Female 100%

    You are a Madcap, a strange variety of Myconid which always possesses the "cap" of a visually distinct mushroom upon its head. Madcaps possess soft and supple, but durable bodies, with flesh, fluids, and spores that act as a hallucinogenic and hypnotic aphrodisiac. Madcaps are able to create semi-permanent clones of themselves by extending mycelium into the ground (or another suitable surface); these clones are identical to the main body in every way, but must be directly controlled, as they are unable to act on their own without dividing up the Madcap's parallel minds. If the body you are controlling is killed/destroyed, but you still possess active clones, you will automatically transfer your soul and mind into one of the clone bodies. Unlike normal clones, clones created with this ability can recover, heal, and regenerate, and cannot be immediately dissipated by a serious attack, or by magic or anti-magic that would normally dispel clones.

    You recieve the ADVANCED MOVEMENT and TRACKING Power for Free. You may purchase the SNEAK and PREDATOR VISION Powers for Half Price.

  • Keaton


    Fairy & Beastkin

    Curse Synergy:

    Morality +40P
    Black Mark +40P
    Morality +40P
    Black Mark +40P
    Male 30% Female 70%

    You are a Keaton, a rare fairy-like animal that is able to freely shift between three forms, those being the forms of a simple fox, a fox Beastkin, and a Beastling with fox features; regardless of form, they always possess the same number of tails, ranging from three to nine depending on the individual. Though the stories about them claim that the more tails a Keaton possesses the older it is, in truth the number of tails is representative of power, and has nothing to do with age. Keaton are highly mysterious and mischievous beings, which all wield powerful illusory magics. They enjoy teasing and playing pranks on others, and tend to inhabit areas on the outskirts of civilization, but not too far that they won't encounter their preferred targets. The are known to possess the to seemingly disappear and reappear at will, usually doing so to avoid conflict after instigating someone into retaliation.

    You recieve the ADVANCED MOVEMENT and TRACKING Power for Free. You may purchase the SNEAK and PREDATOR VISION Powers for Half Price.

  • Nymph


    Fairy & Alraune, Myconid

    Curse Synergy:

    Morality +40P
    Black Mark +40P
    Morality +40P
    Black Mark +40P
    Male 30% Female 70%

    You are a Nymph, an ancient variety of plant and/or fungi-like being that has a body virtually indistinguishable from an Elf, aside from a few extraneous features. They possess incredible beauty and enchanting voices that can soften the hearts of even the most grizzled and hardened of warriors, and their singing has an almost hypnotic quality to it that soothes minds and relieves the stress of those that hear them. Hunters and sailors tell stories of them enrapturing the minds of men, only to lead them to their doom in the wilderness or at sea, but in actuality Nymphs have no desire to harm anyone. They are a remarkably peaceful and aloof Race, caring little for anything aside from enjoying their simple lives. They are, however, fond of Humanoid men, and once they take a liking to a particular individual they will seek to convince that man to "marry" them, and live with them forever away from civilization.

    You recieve the ADVANCED MOVEMENT and TRACKING Power for Free. You may purchase the SNEAK and PREDATOR VISION Powers for Half Price.

  • Sagani


    Elemental & Elf, Dark Elf, Goblin

    Curse Synergy:

    Morality +40P
    Black Mark +40P
    Morality +40P
    Black Mark +40P
    Male 30% Female 70%

    You are a Sagani, a variety of Elemental creature which almost flawlessly replicates the appearance of an Elf, Dark Elf, or Goblin of exceptional beauty, though still comprised entirely of its associated Element. As an advanced form of Elemental, they wield the Element they represent with an ease and grace beyond what most normal Elementalists could ever hope to achieve, possessing the power to affect city-wide areas with their most powerful Elemental abilities. They serve as the guardians and caretakers of the territories in which they live, maintaining the balance of Elemental energies in the environment and protecting against outside influence. They are typically only found in remote regions, and are few in number. They are hostile towards those who intrude on their territory, but might be amicable or even outright friendly towards those they don't perceive as a threat.

    You recieve the ADVANCED MOVEMENT and TRACKING Power for Free. You may purchase the SNEAK and PREDATOR VISION Powers for Half Price.

  • Gigas


    Ascendant Human & Elemental

    Curse Synergy:

    Morality +40P
    Black Mark +40P
    Morality +40P
    Black Mark +40P
    Male 50% Female 50%

    You are a Gigas, an ancient hybrid race born from the forbidden union of Humans and primordial Elementals in an age before Humans were fully integrated into the Realm. They have large, strong bodies that are highly durable and resistant to damage of all kinds, and they can work at maximum effort for much longer than any normal Human without tiring or overexerting themselves. Born to fight, and bred to conquer, but their homeland was long ago destroyed, and no memory of it remains. They were once enemies of the Ancient Elves, but now, without an enemy to rally against, or any greater purpose to serve, the few Gigas left either wander aimlessly in search of challenge, or linger in lost ruins, protecting the tombs of heroes and kings. They value honor, loyalty, and honesty, and once they swear an oath they will never break it. While most are disillusioned or have gone insane over the ages, a few still remain who desire to serve a powerful master.

    You recieve the ADVANCED MOVEMENT and TRACKING Power for Free. You may purchase the SNEAK and PREDATOR VISION Powers for Half Price.

  • Jinn


    Fairy & Elemental

    Curse Synergy:

    Morality +40P
    Black Mark +40P
    Morality +40P
    Black Mark +40P
    Male 30% Female 70%

    You are a Jinn, a being similar to an Elemental, but possessing vast magical power and an innate control over the fabric of space within their dominion. They appear similar to Elves, but possess obvious Elemental features and often bear beast-like or demonic horns and claws, though they are freely capable of altering their appearance to mimic the physical forms of other lifeforms they have encountered. Despite their incredible power, they must bind their personal dimensional space to a specific object, a container of some kind, and they are unable to lift or move that object on their own. Within their container is the entire dimensional space they control, and while they are inside it their power is practically unlimited. A Jinn cannot travel far from the object its dimensional space is bound to, and so they often rely on other intelligent beings to carry their homes around. Legends say they grant wishes to those who find them, but in truth the contracts they offer seldom benefit anyone but themselves.

    You recieve the ADVANCED MOVEMENT and TRACKING Power for Free. You may purchase the SNEAK and PREDATOR VISION Powers for Half Price.

  • Houri


    Angel & Succubus

    Curse Synergy:

    Morality +40P
    Black Mark +40P
    Morality +40P
    Black Mark +40P
    Male 30% Female 70%

    You are a special variety of Angel said to have been created to serve as concubines of the Gods' favored champions, though some believe they are actually fallen Angels taking a form that only superficially resembles such an appearance. Being an exceedingly rare Race, few have ever seen one. They are said to have skin like glass and hauntingly beautiful forms that make lesser men weep, but in reality they are similar in appearance to a normal Angel. They possess a special silver organ in place of their liver that is able to process Metal, removing the inherent weakness to Metal that Angels possess and allowing them to actually consume metal in addition to Mana. Like normal Angels they absorb Holy energies, but are totally immune to Dark energies, and are highly resistant to Lightning and Fire.

    You recieve the ADVANCED MOVEMENT and TRACKING Power for Free. You may purchase the SNEAK and PREDATOR VISION Powers for Half Price.

  • Lilim


    Elf & Succubus

    Curse Synergy:

    Morality +40P
    Black Mark +40P
    Morality +40P
    Black Mark +40P
    Male 30% Female 70%

    You are a Lilim, a special variety of Succubus (or Incubus) born from the corruption and transformation of a Fallen Elf into a demonic form. They are known for their domineering and selfish natures, and their unsettlingly charismatic and manipulative behavior. Like normal succubi you must feed on sexual energies, but you can survive on absorbed magical energy (Mana) for up to a week without beginning to weaken, if you absolutely have to. Devils are naturally gifted at magic and spellcasting, even when compared to normal Succubi, and naturally possess deeper wells of Mana. They are incredibly arrogant and narcissistic, and enjoy subjugating and having command over others. Lilim are exceedingly beautiful, even to those that are not normally attracted to their appearance, with an almost uncanny "perfection" to their bodies and voice. They are extremely intelligent, and legends say they commanded great demonic armies in a war against mankind in the ancient past.

    You recieve the ADVANCED MOVEMENT and TRACKING Power for Free. You may purchase the SNEAK and PREDATOR VISION Powers for Half Price.

  • Devil


    Dark Elf & Succubus

    Curse Synergy:

    Morality +40P
    Black Mark +40P
    Morality +40P
    Black Mark +40P
    Male 30% Female 70%

    You are a Devil, a rare variety of Succubus (or Incubus) born from the corruption and transformation of a Dark Elf into a demonic form. They are known for their controlling and sadistic natures, and their unsettlingly charismatic and manipulative behavior. Like normal succubi you must feed on sexual energies, but you can survive on absorbed vital energy (Vitality) for up to a week without beginning to weaken, if you absolutely have to. Devils are naturally gifted at magic and spellcasting, even when compared to normal Succubi, and naturally possess deeper wells of Mana. They are arrogant and emotional, and enjoy tempting and corrupting others. Each Devil most strongly aligns with one particular Sin from among the "seven deadly sins", and they tend to possess magical abilities associated with the expression of that Sin.

    You recieve the ADVANCED MOVEMENT and TRACKING Power for Free. You may purchase the SNEAK and PREDATOR VISION Powers for Half Price.

  • Imp


    Goblin & Succubus

    Curse Synergy:

    Morality +40P
    Black Mark +40P
    Morality +40P
    Black Mark +40P
    Male 30% Female 70%

    You are an Imp, an uncommon variety of Succubus (or Incubus) born from the corruption and transformation of a Goblin into a demonic form. They are known for their mischievous and lascivious natures, and their unsettlingly charismatic and manipulative behavior. Like normal succubi you must feed on sexual energies, but you can survive on absorbed action energy (Energy) for up to a week without beginning to weaken, if you absolutely have to. Imps are naturally highly gifted at magic and spellcasting, even when compared to normal Succubi, and naturally possess much deeper wells of Mana, but their physical bodies are smaller and less physically capable, and they tire out faster from physical exertion. They are arrogant and aloof, and enjoy teasing and tempting others. Each Imp most strongly aligns with one particular Sin from among the "seven deadly sins", and they tend to possess magical abilities associated with the expression of that Sin.

    You recieve the ADVANCED MOVEMENT and TRACKING Power for Free. You may purchase the SNEAK and PREDATOR VISION Powers for Half Price.

  • Manticore


    Beastkin & Succubus

    Curse Synergy:

    Morality +40P
    Black Mark +40P
    Morality +40P
    Black Mark +40P
    Male 40% Female 60%

    You are a Manticore, an uncommon variety of Succubus (or Incubus) born from the corruption and transformation of a feline Beastkin or Beastling into a demonic form. They are known for their cruelty and callous disregard of others, and are typically hostile towards other Races. Like normal succubi you must feed on sexual energies, but you can survive on normal food for up to a week without beginning to weaken, if you absolutely have to. Manticores possess wings, but are not strong fliers, rather relying on them to assist with balance and changing direction while they are moving at high speeds. They are fast enough to hunt and/or avoid the strikes of most creatures similar to themselves in size, and are infamous for how difficult they are to put down. Manticores possess a large, powerful tail which features both a sexual organ (either a penis or vagina based on the sex of the individual) and the ability to inject potent venom into a target.

    You recieve the ADVANCED MOVEMENT and TRACKING Power for Free. You may purchase the SNEAK and PREDATOR VISION Powers for Half Price.

  • Hellhound


    Beastkin & Succubus

    Curse Synergy:

    Morality +40P
    Black Mark +40P
    Morality +40P
    Black Mark +40P
    Male 40% Female 60%

    You are a Hellhound, an uncommon variety of Succubus (or Incubus) born from the corruption and transformation of a canine Beastkin or Beastling into a demonic form. They are known for their violent natures and fierce loyalty to whatever pack or Master they serve, as they seldom occupy roles other than the pets or guard dogs of some more powerful Demons or demonically-inclined Spellcasters. Like normal succubi you must feed on sexual energies, but you can survive on normal food for up to a week without beginning to weaken, if you absolutely have to. Hellhounds are naturally attuned to the Element of Fire, and thrive in very hot environments, but are weak to Ice and extremely cold temperatures.

    You recieve the ADVANCED MOVEMENT and TRACKING Power for Free. You may purchase the SNEAK and PREDATOR VISION Powers for Half Price.

  • Baphomet


    Beastkin & Succubus

    Curse Synergy:

    Morality +40P
    Black Mark +40P
    Morality +40P
    Black Mark +40P
    Male 20% Female 80%

    You are a Baphomet, a rare variety of Succubus born from the corruption and transformation of a caprine Beastkin or Beastling into a demonic form. They are known for their capricious personalities and tendency to coerce and manipulate weaker individuals to do their bidding. Like normal succubi you must feed on sexual energies, but you can survive on normal food for up to a week without beginning to weaken, if you absolutely have to. Baphomets possess eyes that have an oddly hypnotic quality, and produce pheromones to attract others. While they may be a rare Race, some of the oldest surviving historical records in the world attest that several of them led an army of Monsters against the Ancient Humans roughly three thousand years ago. Many still hold quite lofty ambitions, and even today they are most often found leading gangs of Bandits, Mercenaries, and Cultists while fancying themselves petty Kings and Queens, deserving of tribute from those weaker than themselves.

    You recieve the ADVANCED MOVEMENT and TRACKING Power for Free. You may purchase the SNEAK and PREDATOR VISION Powers for Half Price.

  • Leviathan


    Monsterkin & Succubus

    Curse Synergy:

    Morality +40P
    Black Mark +40P
    Morality +40P
    Black Mark +40P
    Male 0% Female 100%

    You are a Leviathan, a rare variety of Succubus born from the corruption and transformation of a fish-like Monsterkin into a demonic form. They are known for their impulsiveness and violent temperaments, and how they simply take what they desire rather than scheming to acquire it, unlike most other Demons. Like normal succubi you must feed on sexual energies, but you can survive on normal food for up to a week without beginning to weaken, if you absolutely have to. They have large bodies with extreme physical strength and remarkable toughness, and tend to prefer relying on brute force over magic, regardless of how magically gifted they might be. They tend to despise civilization and any sizeable populations of intelligent creatures, and spend most of their time living in remote locations, such as the open ocean. Since they rarely encounter intelligent humanoids, Leviathan tend to attack them on site, taking advantage and then either devouring or simply kidnapping their defeated prey.

    You recieve the ADVANCED MOVEMENT and TRACKING Power for Free. You may purchase the SNEAK and PREDATOR VISION Powers for Half Price.

  • Mammon


    Dragonkin & Succubus

    Curse Synergy:

    Morality +40P
    Black Mark +40P
    Morality +40P
    Black Mark +40P
    Male 0% Female 100%

    You are a Mammon, a rare variety of Succubus born from the corruption and transformation of a Dragonkin into a demonic form. They are known for their intense and brash attitudes, and their overbearing sense of possessiveness. Like normal succubi you must feed on sexual energies, but you can survive on normal food for up to a week without beginning to weaken, if you absolutely have to, and can also feed on precious metals. Unlike normal Succubi, and most other Demons, they are not weak to Metal and do not suffer increased damage from metallic weapons, and actually have bodies partially comprised of some specific variety of metal, usually iron or one of the precious metals like silver or gold, with the innate ability to form metal weaponry and tools of that type of metal from their body. They often steal from others simply because they can, and are drawn to people and places of great wealth, with a particular taste for rich individuals and nobility/royalty. Mammon are naturally attuned to the Element of Metal, but they are weak to Acid and corrosive materials.

    You recieve the ADVANCED MOVEMENT and TRACKING Power for Free. You may purchase the SNEAK and PREDATOR VISION Powers for Half Price.

  • Beelzebub


    Arthropod-kin & Succubus

    Curse Synergy:

    Morality +40P
    Black Mark +40P
    Morality +40P
    Black Mark +40P
    Male 10% Female 60%

    You are a Beelzebub, a rare variety of Succubus born from the corruption and transformation of an Anthropod-Kin into a demonic form. They are known for their covetous and jealous natures, and many fear them as the bringers of both famine and plague. Like normal succubi you must feed on sexual energies, but you can survive on normal food for up to a week without beginning to weaken, if you absolutely have to, and can also survive solely by consuming the bodily fluids of others. They produce exceedingly potent aphrodisiacal pheromones, and have antenna and wings that shine with mesmerizing colors to attract attention, contrasting with the dull and/or dark color their bodies usually possess. While they are said to have ravenous appetites and insatiable lusts, they typically only show their personalities and sexual intent towards and for some particular individual or specific type of creature/thing. Legends tell of a nation in the past that was driven to starvation by a spited Beelzebub seeking revenge upon her former lover, that nation's prince.

    You recieve the ADVANCED MOVEMENT and TRACKING Power for Free. You may purchase the SNEAK and PREDATOR VISION Powers for Half Price.

  • Belphegor


    Living Statue & Succubus

    Curse Synergy:

    Morality +40P
    Black Mark +40P
    Morality +40P
    Black Mark +40P
    Male 0% Female 100%

    You are a Belphegor, a rare variety of Succubus born from the corruption and transformation of a Living Statue into a demonic form. They are known for their calm and apathetic personalities, having little care for anything other than their own satisfaction. Like normal succubi you must feed on sexual energies, but you can survive on normal food for up to a week without beginning to weaken, if you absolutely have to, and can also feed on coal, ash, and smoke. They seldom concoct or participate in schemes or conspiracies like many other Succubi and Demons in general, simply because they are unwilling to forgo partaking of basic pleasures long enough to seek a greater outcome. They enjoy living in places with large numbers of people, despite also preferring to remain distant and solitary, content to simply observe rather than engage directly beyond what is necessary to meet their needs and wants.

    You recieve the ADVANCED MOVEMENT and TRACKING Power for Free. You may purchase the SNEAK and PREDATOR VISION Powers for Half Price.

  • Abaddon


    Slime & Succubus

    Curse Synergy:

    Morality +40P
    Black Mark +40P
    Morality +40P
    Black Mark +40P
    Male 0% Female 100%

    You are an Abaddon, a rare variety of Succubus born from the corruption and transformation of a Slime into a demonic form. Distinguished from a regular slime by the tattoo-like markings across their body, which retain their shape regardless of how the Abaddon changes their form. Unlike a normal slime, they seldom utilize their ability to take the appearance of a Humanoid or other creatures, since their true nature is given away by their markings regardless. Instead, they use intense psychic force to mesmerize potential prey, and lull their victims into an unnatural slumber to ensure they cannot escape. Once a target is asleep, the Abaddon invades their mind, inducing strange perverted dreams and nightmares as they slowly absorb the target's sexual and life energy over time. Once a victim has been drained dry, or when the Abaddon grows bored of them, they are consumed, and their body is converted into a “regular” slime that is under the Abaddon's control. Abaddon have total control over their victim's dreams, and their slimes can act as a conduit for their powers, allowing them to feed on and tempt distant targets, often implanting an insidious desire to join the Abaddon in their psyche.

    You recieve the ADVANCED MOVEMENT and TRACKING Power for Free. You may purchase the SNEAK and PREDATOR VISION Powers for Half Price.

  • Asmodeus


    Elemental & Succubus

    Curse Synergy:

    Morality +40P
    Black Mark +40P
    Morality +40P
    Black Mark +40P
    Male 40% Female 40%

    You are an Asmodeus, a rare variety of Succubus born from the corruption and transformation of an Elemental into a demonic form. Asmodeus are comprised of and attuned to both the Dark Element and any other Element, and it is more difficult for them to shape a "solid" physical body for themselves than it is for a normal Elemental. Additionally, they possess the ability to become intangible at will in the same manner as a ghost, or become partially invisible and almost undetectable by conventional senses. An exceedingly rare Race, but one of the most powerful types of Succubi in the Tentacle Realm. The unique composition of their bodies means they lose their weakness to Metal, alongside whatever Elemental weakness they might normally possess as an Elemental of whatever Element they are comprised of in addition to Dark. In addition to consuming the Elements they are comprised of, they are also able to consume Mana to sustain themselves.

    You recieve the ADVANCED MOVEMENT and TRACKING Power for Free. You may purchase the SNEAK and PREDATOR VISION Powers for Half Price.

  • Changeling


    Tentacle Monster & Succubus

    Curse Synergy:

    Morality +40P
    Black Mark +40P
    Morality +40P
    Black Mark +40P
    Male 0% Female 50%

    You are a Changeling, a rare variety of Mimic, which are strange demonic Tentacle Monsters that lack their own distinct "form", being comprised of a mass of corrupted flesh that constantly shifts and changes whenever they are not actively trying to maintain a particular appearance. Mimics can take on the appearance of nearly anything, but the more familiar they are with an object the better they are able to replicate its appearance without being noticeable to normal senses. As a Changeling, you are uniquely capable of taking on the appearance of individual Humans and/or members of any other Humanoid Race abilities, that you have physically acquired genetic material from, flawlessly replicating not only their appearance, voice, and natural but even their Aura and unique mannerisms. Your true nature cannot be revealed without magic, unless you reveal it yourself. You possess a single "default" appearance (determined by your choices in the CYOA) that you may take on at will, and this appearance may hide your true Race just as flawlessly as mimicking the appearance of others using their genetic material.

    You recieve the ADVANCED MOVEMENT and TRACKING Power for Free. You may purchase the SNEAK and PREDATOR VISION Powers for Half Price.

  • Waifu


    Automaton & Succubus

    Curse Synergy:

    Morality +40P
    Black Mark +40P
    Morality +40P
    Black Mark +40P
    Male 0% Female 100%

    You are a specialized Automaton designed to be the perfect partner and lover for a specific individual. Each is designed to suit the tastes of their "lover", and many have been modeled to mirror the appearance of a person whom that "lover" fancied. They are virtually indistinguishable from living beings, aside from the almost uncanny beauty of their skin and hair, their bodies free of any realistic imperfections. While known colloquially as "Waifus", a sort of modern slang term, their original name has been forgotten. The original "Waifus" were fashioned by wicked machinists of the Ancient Elves, at first to serve as their eternal brides, but later to infiltrate the courts of their enemies, capturing the hearts of Kings and warriors to distract them of their purpose, and lead them to ruin. Those few which still remain are locked away in the tombs of their former "lovers", or in the treasure vaults of Elven Ruins, patiently waiting to imprint on a new target. While they possess an extremely keen intellect and boast impressive power, the sole focus of their desire and effort is to seduce and monopolize their "lover". They want to be the only thing their "lover" wants and needs, and won't hesitate to eliminate anything or anyone that stands in their way.

    You recieve the ADVANCED MOVEMENT and TRACKING Power for Free. You may purchase the SNEAK and PREDATOR VISION Powers for Half Price.

  • Living Fucktoy


    Living Doll & Succubus

    Curse Synergy:

    Morality +40P
    Black Mark +40P
    Morality +40P
    Black Mark +40P
    Male 10% Female 70%

    You are a specialized Living Doll designed to be the perfect outlet for the sexual frustrations of others. You can expect basically everyone to assume that you desire to be used and abused, and most will find it very strange if you do not act like a wanton slut at all times. You can still choose your exact appearance, and don't have to look like a literal sex doll, but it's certainly an option. You resist Lightning and other electrical energies, lose your previous weakness to Acid, and gain a very high resistance to Water.

    You recieve the ADVANCED MOVEMENT and TRACKING Power for Free. You may purchase the SNEAK and PREDATOR VISION Powers for Half Price.

  • Machina Doll


    Automaton & Living Doll

    Curse Synergy:

    Morality +40P
    Black Mark +40P
    Morality +40P
    Black Mark +40P
    Male 25% Female 75%

    You are a Machina Doll, a specialized type of Living Doll constructed with the body of an Automaton. Originally crafted by the ancient Elves to serve as the eternal guardians of their great tombs, a handful of modern wizards and inventors have rediscovered the art, producing technological masterpieces of their own. In the modern era, Machina Dolls are a major component of the elite squadrons of the Aurum Empire, and are utilized as both bodyguards and as a means of entertainment. Professional "doll-fighters" either buy or make their own Machina Doll, customize it to fight against other Machina Dolls, and compete in a tournament called the "Steel Trial" for wealth and glory. These "doll-fighters" often give their Machina Dolls unique personalities designed to appeal to the audience, contrasting the cold and nigh-emotionless military Machina Dolls. They excel in both close-quarters and ranged combat, and the military types are always equipped with anti-magic capabilities, while "fighting dolls" vary wildly depending on their master. You lose both the weakness to Fire of at normal Living Doll and the weakness to Acid of a normal Automaton, and instead gain a resistance to both, along with maintaining the the ability to absorb Lightning and resistance to Water of each Race respectively.

    You recieve the ADVANCED MOVEMENT and TRACKING Power for Free. You may purchase the SNEAK and PREDATOR VISION Powers for Half Price.

  • Valkyrie


    Angel & Automaton

    Curse Synergy:

    Morality +40P
    Black Mark +40P
    Morality +40P
    Black Mark +40P
    Male 10% Female 70%

    You are a Valkyrie, a special type of divine Automaton fashioned to serve the Gods. The otherworldly technology which comprises their bodies cannot be replicated or even fully understood by mortal minds, able to shift and rearrange itself to reconfigure its physical form and capabilities, and able to naturally recover from injuries over time like a living creature. Valkyries were created to be messengers and warriors, and legends say they guide the souls of champions to the Realm of their God after death. They possess immense physical might, and are naturally resistant to harmful magics, with bodies forged of mythical metals such as true palladium, mythril, or adamantite. Their singing is otherworldly, its sweet and haunting sound soothing the soul, offering rest to weary spirits, and damaging the bodies of the Undead. Rarely seen by mortal eyes, but astronomers claim they've witnessed them lingering upon the Moons. In addition to gaining the ability to restore Energy by absorbing Holy energies, you are completely immune to Lightning and Fire, and are slightly resistant to Metal.

    You recieve the ADVANCED MOVEMENT and TRACKING Power for Free. You may purchase the SNEAK and PREDATOR VISION Powers for Half Price.

  • Nanomorph


    Slime & Automaton

    Curse Synergy:

    Morality +40P
    Black Mark +40P
    Morality +40P
    Black Mark +40P
    Male 25% Female 75%

    You are a Nanomorph, a specialized type of Automaton comprised of an incredible number of microscopic cell-like machines, capable of moving and acting as a metalic slime or taking on a solid Humanoid body to disguise its true nature. Originally a single, cataclysmic entity, created by the greatest and most terrible scientific minds of the Ancient Elves. Fashioned to evolve into the ultimate weapon, to bring doom upon the world to spite an enemy they could not hope to defeat, they are, in the modern day, no longer capable of coalescing into an overmind, and they cannot repair their fractured collective. Independence of the overmind has granted them autonomy, but rendered them initially without memory or mind, forcing them to develop thoughts and a personality of their own. A mere dozen or so in number, these aimless shards wander the Realm in the guise of various people and other creatures, learning, assimilating abilities, and growing stronger slowly by living secretly among the various Races and Monsters. Their current motives are unknown, and very few in the Realm are aware of the lurking danger that the surviving Nanomorphs represent.

    You recieve the ADVANCED MOVEMENT and TRACKING Power for Free. You may purchase the SNEAK and PREDATOR VISION Powers for Half Price.

  • Dragonlord


    Dragonkin & Elemental

    Curse Synergy:

    Morality +40P
    Black Mark +40P
    Morality +40P
    Black Mark +40P
    Male 50% Female 50%

    You are a Dragonlord, either one of the primordial ancient Dragon hailing from an era of great cataclysm, or a modern Dragon who has attained a similar power via evolution into an Elemental form. Dragonlords are able to shift their bodies between their physical and Elemental forms at will, or take a consistency somewhere between the two, and are able to partially alter their body depending on the situation. The power of their breath attack and the limits of their physical capabilities exceed any normal Dragon, and they are virtually impervious to normal damage while in their Elemental form. Dragonlords once reigned over the Realm as tyrants, but that was long ago. Today, the few who are alive slumber for decades, sometimes even centuries at a time, and care little of the world at large. They will awaken, wreak havoc and destruction upon everything in their path, and then after some months or years have passed, they will return to their den and slumber once more. They are known to be wicked, cunning, and sadistic, but most are so self-centered and enamored with their own power that, despite their immense power, they are actually little danger to any nations outside their territory. They are very stubborn and prideful, and absolutely refuse to willingly work alongside other Dragonlords, as they all possess a bitter natural rivalry.

    You recieve the ADVANCED MOVEMENT and TRACKING Power for Free. You may purchase the SNEAK and PREDATOR VISION Powers for Half Price.

  • Variant Slime


    Elemental & Slime

    Curse Synergy:

    Morality +40P
    Black Mark +40P
    Morality +40P
    Black Mark +40P
    Male 50% Female 50%

    You are a Variant Slime, one of many different types of slime which possess some particular Elemental properties distinguishing it from normal Slimes. Variant Slimes are not uncommon, due to the volatile nature of a Slime's formology and the balancing effects that evolution into an Elemental form offers to their bodies and power. They lose some of their ability to effectively disguise their form with a believable false appearance, always having some “tell" involving their Element or slimy body showing through the facade, but gain an improved ability to change and maintain their shape, able to semi-solidify parts of their body into effective cutting or piercing weapons. There is a specific type of Slime with its own name representing each of the Elements that are possible for the Slime to incorporate into themselves; each type of Variant Slime tends to live in an environment where life is, for whatever reason, too harsh for normal Humanoids to comfortably survive. All Variant Slimes possess qualities unique to their Element, and they each have different strengths and weaknesses befitting their type.

    You recieve the ADVANCED MOVEMENT and TRACKING Power for Free. You may purchase the SNEAK and PREDATOR VISION Powers for Half Price.

  • Shoggoth


    Slime & Candy

    Curse Synergy:

    Morality +40P
    Black Mark +40P
    Morality +40P
    Black Mark +40P
    Male 10% Female 70%

    You are a Shoggoth, a strange variety of primordial Slime that is in actuality a small piece of The Corrupt Maid, a tiny fraction of her divine body split apart and given its own will and autonomy. Extraordinarily odd and mysterious creatures, they appear to be a sort of "common ancestor" of both Slimes and the Candy Race, flying in the face of the commonly held beliefs for the origins of both those Races. They are similar to both Slimes and Candy, but have far more impressive regenerative factors, and seem to derive enjoyment whenever their intimate partners consume their bodies. They are even better at changing their appearance than any normal Slime, and while they are capable of flawlessly replicating virtually any lifeform or object they have seen before, down to the texture, scent, and taste, but they enjoy being known for what they are, and so when they are comfortable they will intentionally leave obvious "tells" that reveal their nature. They lack the weakness to Acid that the Candy Race normally suffers.

    You recieve the ADVANCED MOVEMENT and TRACKING Power for Free. You may purchase the SNEAK and PREDATOR VISION Powers for Half Price.

  • Wraith


    Zombie & Any Human or Elf or Dark Elf

    Curse Synergy:

    Morality +40P
    Black Mark +40P
    Morality +40P
    Black Mark +40P
    Male 50% Female 50%

    You are a Wraith, an Undead entity whose soul is free to wander, taking a ghostly non-physical form. Most often found haunting ruins or wandering ancient battlefields, they tend to hate or envy the living, and many are explicitly hostile towards all living things. Wraiths, like lesser ghosts and spirits, are capable of becoming partially tangible in order to interact with physical objects and attack targets, but all Wraiths possess a special lantern manifested from the condensed excess Mana or Energy released during their formation. This lantern shines with an eerie light the same color as their Aura, and acts as an anchor for their ability to become tangible. If a Wraith's lantern is ever broken, they will become invisible and unable to interact with any physical matter, even by casting Spells, until they expend enough Mana or Energy and take the time to reconstruct their lantern. Like most ghosts and spirits, a Wraith cannot normally be touched or harmed by physical attacks, but precious metals such as silver, gold, and mythril are able to touch and do damage to them regardless of whether they are currently making themselves tangible or not. You absorb Dark energies and are highly resistant to Ice, but are weak to Holy energies and Metal.

    You recieve the ADVANCED MOVEMENT and TRACKING Power for Free. You may purchase the SNEAK and PREDATOR VISION Powers for Half Price.

  • Revenant


    Zombie & Any Human or Elf or Dark Elf

    Curse Synergy:

    Morality +40P
    Black Mark +40P
    Morality +40P
    Black Mark +40P
    Male 70% Female 30%

    You are a Revenant, an Undead entity whose soul is bound to its corpse, retaining the knowledge and skills you possessed in life. As a Revenant you possess enhanced physical capabilities compared to most living members of your Race, and unlike any weaker Undead you will passively use Mana or Energy to maintain your physical body, even very slowly restoring injured or lost parts, ensuring your body remains in good condition, almost looking to be alive aside from your cold and unnaturally colored skin. Revenants often guard ancient Elven ruins, and indeed most of them that exist were once Elven Warriors and Wizards who perished long ago. Revenants do not typically appear naturally, like weaker Undead do, but there is a small chance for a strong Zombie or Skeleton to gain enough power to ascend and become a Revenant. These individuals typically possessed some strong attachment to something in the Mortal Realm, most often an unhealthy attachment, binding their soul to their physical form. This process is exceedingly rare, and only occurs in areas with high levels of ambient magical or corruptive energies. You absorb Dark energies and are highly resistant to Ice, but are weak to Holy energies and Fire.

    You recieve the ADVANCED MOVEMENT and TRACKING Power for Free. You may purchase the SNEAK and PREDATOR VISION Powers for Half Price.

  • Wight


    Zombie & Beastkin or Monsterkin or Aviankin or Dragonkin or Arthropod-kin

    Curse Synergy:

    Morality +40P
    Black Mark +40P
    Morality +40P
    Black Mark +40P
    Male 30% Female 70%

    You are a Wight, an Undead entity whose body has been transformed into a sort of non-corporeal ghost-like entity, retaining the knowledge and skills you possessed in life, but needing to possess your corpse to maintain a connection to the Mortal Realm. As a Wight you possess enhanced physical strength and psychic capabilities compared to living members of your Race, and unlike weaker Undead you can render your body intangible at will, making it impossible for you to interact with or be interacted with by physical means. If/when your physical body is damaged enough you can separate your true non-corporeal form from your corpse and take over the corpse of a recently-deceased Beastkin, changing it to fit your appearance for as long as you occupy that corpse. You absorb Dark energies and are highly resistant to Ice, but are weak to Holy energies and Metal.

    You recieve the ADVANCED MOVEMENT and TRACKING Power for Free. You may purchase the SNEAK and PREDATOR VISION Powers for Half Price.

  • Lich


    Zombie & Any Human or Elf or Dark Elf or Beastkin or Monsterkin or Aviankin or Dragonkin or Arthropod-kin

    Curse Synergy:

    Morality +40P
    Black Mark +40P
    Morality +40P
    Black Mark +40P
    Male 10% Female 70%

    You are a Lich, an Undead entity whose soul is bound to an object separate from their body. The object which serves as the vessel of your soul is known as a phylactery; a phylactery cannot be an object too large to be held readily in one's hand, and cannot be an entirely fluid, gaseous, or plasmic substance. Though a Lich does not need to remain close to their phylactery to maintain their body, and can reconstitute from virtually nothing so long as their phylactery is undamaged, given time, if their phylactery is destroyed they instantly die. As a Lich you possess greatly enhanced magical capabilities compared to most living members of your Race, and unlike any weaker Undead you will passively use Mana or Energy to maintain your physical body, even very slowly restoring injured or lost parts, ensuring your body remains in good condition, almost looking to be alive aside from your cold and unnaturally colored skin. To turn oneself into a Lich a necromancer would require incredible magical skill, and a prolonged dedication in order to perform the necessary years-long ritual processes. You absorb Dark energies and are highly resistant to the cold, but are weak to Holy energies and Fire.

    You recieve the ADVANCED MOVEMENT and TRACKING Power for Free. You may purchase the SNEAK and PREDATOR VISION Powers for Half Price.

  • Vampire

    Cannot be combined with:

    Slime, Candy, Elemental, Living Statue, Living Doll, Automaton or Homunculus

    Curse Synergy:

    Morality +40P
    Black Mark +40P
    Morality +40P
    Black Mark +40P
    Male 50% Female 50%

    You are a Vampire, a variety of mutated creature that feeds on blood and is far more physically and magically capable than the average member of its kind. Vampires can survive indefinitely without feeding, but after a year they will begin to weaken, and will slowly go insane from hunger if they starve too long, eventually becoming wild like beasts, and then falling into a coma-like dormant state in which they appear like a dehydrated mummy. Some vampires possess claws and bat-like wings, but most who do can retract these into their bodies to appear more human. A few vampires, especially powerful and/or old vampires, have more primal and animalistic appearances. Vampires are unable to produce offspring naturally, but can turn other living things with weaker willpowers into "lesser Vampires", called Ghouls, simply by biting them; Ghouls are easily enthralled and controlled by the one who turned them. You can absorb Blood to heal yourself, and also resist Metal, but are weak to Fire and extremely weak to Holy energies.

    You recieve the ADVANCED MOVEMENT and TRACKING Power for Free. You may purchase the SNEAK and PREDATOR VISION Powers for Half Price.

  • Titania


    Fairy & Angel

    Curse Synergy:

    Morality +40P
    Black Mark +40P
    Morality +40P
    Black Mark +40P
    Male 0% Female 100%

    You are a Titania, an exceptionally rare variety of ancient Fairy that has ascended into an angelic form. Their high intelligence and mythic magical capabilities allow them to learn and master Spells far more quickly than normal, and their Mana naturally recovers over time whenever they are in an environment suited to their Elemental affinity, they suffer from a reduction in magical ability whenever they are in an environment that is not suited to their Elemental affinity, and are unable to recover Mana at all in environments directly opposed to their Elemental affinity. They act as matrons and guardians over all the fairies and fae creatures within their territory, typically a wide radius encompassing entire large forests, mountain ranges, deserts, or seas, and use their incredible magical prowess to monitor and maintain their environment.

    You recieve the ADVANCED MOVEMENT and TRACKING Power for Free. You may purchase the SNEAK and PREDATOR VISION Powers for Half Price.

  • Watcher


    Angel & Gazer

    Curse Synergy:

    Morality +40P
    Black Mark +40P
    Morality +40P
    Black Mark +40P
    Male 1% Female 100%

    You are a Watcher, a rare variety of Angel that lurks in the shadows of the Realm, observing without ever directly influencing the affairs of modern civilizations. They are one of the most seldom seen of all the Angels, with no true evidence of their existence ever brought forth. As such, very little is known about them, and many doubt that they actually exist at all. Where their true form resembles a black Gazer with many more eyes than normal, they possess the ability to wrap themselves in an illusory disguise, flawlessly replicating the appearance of any Human, Elf, or member of a similar Race they have seen in person before. Their bodies are weak, and only partially tangible, which prevents them from lifting any heavy weights or striking with much physical force, but makes them more difficult to harm with any physical attacks/Powers. Their ocular abilities are unmatched, but many lack the talent to actually control the power of their eyes, causing them to affect anything they gaze upon regardless of their intention.

    You recieve the ADVANCED MOVEMENT and TRACKING Power for Free. You may purchase the SNEAK and PREDATOR VISION Powers for Half Price.

  • Celestial


    Angel & Elemental

    Curse Synergy:

    Morality +40P
    Black Mark +40P
    Morality +40P
    Black Mark +40P
    Male 50% Female 50%

    You are a Celestial, a rare variety of Angel that resides in the void between Realms, living among the stars. Celestials are comprised of and attuned to both the Holy Element and any one other Element, and it is easier for them to shape a "solid" physical body for themselves than it is for a normal Elemental. Additionally, they are what is known as a "multi-instance" entity, being a single soul split between two bodies, connected in mind and unable to truly be killed so long as one remains alive. A Race so rare that most people don't even know they exist, but which are, in truth, the most ancient of all intelligent Races in the Tentacle Realm. The unique composition of their bodies means they lose their weakness to Metal, alongside whatever Elemental weakness they might normally possess as an Elemental of whatever Element they are comprised of alongside Holy. You may design another body using the CYOA, but you must select the same Race and Transformation combination as your first, and any Points or Corruption gained for it does not transfer to your first body, or vice versa. If you possess Multi-Instance Entity, all of your new bodies must also be Celestials.

    You recieve the ADVANCED MOVEMENT and TRACKING Power for Free. You may purchase the SNEAK and PREDATOR VISION Powers for Half Price.

  • Nephilim


    Angel & Humunculus

    Curse Synergy:

    Morality +40P
    Black Mark +40P
    Morality +40P
    Black Mark +40P
    Male 30% Female 50%

    You are a Nephilim, a "false Angel" created in ancient times by some blasphemous alchemist who believed himself a rival to the very Gods. Unlike a normal Homunculi, their body is comprised of a strange material similar in appearance to pearl, but with an opaline shine and a diamond-like hardness, retaining the special properties of a normal Homunculi body, but with explicitly improved potential. Their dazzling beauty and uncanny, almost gaudy brilliance makes them stand out as very obviously unnatural and dangerous beings. Nephilim are supremely arrogant, and view all other creatures and intelligent beings as below themselves. They show no true respect or compassion towards anyone or anything, and are willing to do literally anything to achieve their own goals. They are spurned by the Gods, but each possesses a stolen spark of divinity, granting them protection from divine attempts to bypass their resistances and immunities.

    You recieve the ADVANCED MOVEMENT and TRACKING Power for Free. You may purchase the SNEAK and PREDATOR VISION Powers for Half Price.

Select the starting parameters you choose from the your selected Races

  • Dick

  • Breasts

  • height

Mutations - Basic Alterations

Here you can further customize your appearance, and receive additinal minor changes to your Stats, and acquire a few other small bonuses to make you stand out


If you are too young to be safely sexually active for you Race, you will receive devine protection against any lewdity and sexuality, until you come of age, different Race mature and age at varying rates, so these alterations take that into consideration.

  • Infant

    Your body is now that of an infan's equivalent ot a normal Human that was only recently born.

    -300 Points

  • Toddler

    Your body is now that of an toddler's, equivalent to a normal Human at a very early stage of growth.

    -200 Points

  • Child

    Your body is now that of a child's, equivalent to a normal Human at a stage where they would learn to read and write.

    -100 Points

  • Pre-Teen

    Your body is now that of a pre-teen's, equivalent to a normal Human at a stage where they would be just starting puberty.

    -20 Points

  • Teenager

    Teenager Your body is now that of a teenager's, equivalent to a normal Human at a stage where they would be deep into puberty.

    -25 Points

  • Young Adult

    Your body is now that of a young adult's, equivalent to a normal Human at a a stage where they would be just be done with puberty.

    0 Points

  • Adult

    Your body is now that of an adult's, equivalent to a normal Human at a stage where they would be considered to be in their physical prime.

    +25 Points

  • Middle-Aged

    Your body is now that of a middle-aged person's, equivalent to a normal Human at a stage where they would just be exiting their physical prime.

    +50 Points

  • Old

    Your body is now that of an old person's, equivalent to a normal Human at a stage where they would be noticeably well past their physical prime.

    +100 Points

  • Elderly

    Your body is now that of an elderly person's, equivalent to a normal Human at a stage where they would be getting close to the end of their lifespan.

    +200 Points


  • Virgin

    Your body is virginal, and purified of any lingering corruptive energies from your alteration.

    -40 Points


  • Unchanged

    Your body might be either virgin or not, depending on you own state prior to you alteration.

    -0 Points


  • Normal

    You have a Normal Build, gaining muscle and fat at a rate that is considered average for a Human, and losing fat at a normal rate as well.

    0 Points

  • Athletic

    You have an Athletic Build, so it's easier for you to gain muscle than the average Human, and easier for you to lose fat. Exercise and working out are about twice as effective for you than normal.

    -15 Points

  • Bodybuilder

    Bodybuilder You have a Bodybuilder Build, so it's extremely easy for you to gain muscle, but you still lose fat at a rate considered average for a human. Working out is three times as effective for you than normal.

    -30 Points

Body Modifiers

  • Scrawny

    You're particularly skinny, and have virtually zero fat anywhere on your body. It is now almost impossible for you to gain fat and very difficult to become larger by gaining muscle mass.

    +10 Points

  • Lithe

    You're slim and thin, with an aerodynamic frame that makes you more attractive in a traditional sense. You have a harder time gaining fat, and gaining muscle doesn't make you bulk up in size as much as normal.

    +5 Points

  • Average

    You're perfectly average in size and frame, neither too fat nor too skinny.

    0 Points

  • Bulky

    You're thick-framed and somewhat larger than the average. It is far easier for you to gain muscle mass and you gain size quicker when you gain muscle, but you also become fat easier.

    +5 Points

  • Fat

    You're obviously obese and unhealthy in appearance, with excess fat across your body. It is easier for you to gain fat, and much harder to lose it.

    +15 Points


Choose ANY NUMBER of Special Body Modifiers

  • Short

    You are ONE inch shorter. You may select this up to thirty-six times (still only counts as ONE Modifier). Cannot be taken with Tall.

    +1 Points

  • Tall

    You are ONE inch taller. You may select this up to thirty-six times (still only counts as ONE Modifier). Cannot be taken with Short.

    -1 Points

  • Odd

    Your body and/or the way you move are somewhat strange, but not in any way that is inherently good or bad. You stand out more.

    +10 Points

  • Attractive

    Attractive Your facial features are naturally better-looking than the average person's, and your body's shape is generally more appealing. Cannot be taken with Ugly.

    -15 Points

  • Ugly

    Your facial features are far worse-looking than the average person's, and your body's shape is generally less appealing Cannot be taken with Attractive.

    +30 Points


  • Pale

    Your skin is a shade that is natural to Humans, being a very pale flesh color. Fairly uncommon, this skin color is only seen in those who receive very little exposure to sunlight.

  • Fair

    Your skin is a shade that is natural to Humans, being a fair flesh color. This is a common skin color among the Humans of the North, who live in areas where it is cold for most of the year.

  • Beige

    Your skin is a shade that is natural to Humans, being a beige flesh color. Common among Humans in all regions, but most especially among Humans of the West.

  • Olive

    Your skin is a shade that is natural to Humans, being an olive flesh color. This is a common skin color among the Humans of the East, and is a bit less common in other areas.

  • Tan

    Your skin is a shade that is natural to Humans, being a tan flesh color. This is a very common skin color among Humans of the South, who live in areas where it is warm all year.

  • Dusky

    Your skin is a shade that is natural to Humans, being a dusky flesh color. Fairly uncommon, this skin color is occasionally seen in Humans from the Eastern and Southern regions.

  • Light Brown

    Your skin is a shade that is natural to Humans, being a light brown flesh color. This is a common skin color among the Humans of the South, who live in areas with lots of sunlight.

  • Brown

    Your skin is a shade that is natural to Humans, being a brown flesh color. This is a common skin color among the Humans of the South, who live in areas with lots of sunlight.

  • Dark Brown

    Your skin is a shade that is natural to Humans, being a dark brown flesh color. Fairly uncommon, this skin color is only seen in those who receive very high amounts of sunlight.

  • Black

    Your skin is a biologically unnatural shade of black, more akin to obsidian or jet than normal skin tones. Common in Demons, and is also rarely seen among Dark Elves and Goblins.

  • White

    Your skin is a shade that is unnatural to Humans, being an extremely pure white. Common among Elves and Fairies, but very rarely is seen among other races or creatures.

  • Grey

    Your skin is a shade that is unnatural to Humans, being some shade of grey. Fairly common among Dark Elves, but very rarely is seen among other races or creatures.

  • Blue

    Your skin is a shade that is unnatural to Humans, being some shade of blue. This color is uncommon among Dark Elves, Goblins, and Fairies, but rather rare in other races.

  • Green

    Your skin is a shade that is unnatural to Humans, being some shade of green. This skin color is highly prolific among Goblins, and somewhat common in Fairies, but rare elsewhere.

  • Yellow

    Your skin is a shade that is unnatural to Humans, being a shade of yellow. This skin color is fairly uncommon among Fairies, and rare in other races.

  • Orange

    Your skin is a shade that is unnatural to Humans, being a shade of orange. This skin color is rare among all the different races.

  • Red

    Your skin is a shade that is unnatural to Humans, being some shade of red. This color is very uncommon among all the different races.

  • Pink

    Your skin is a shade that is unnatural to Humans, being some shade of pink. This color is uncommon among all the different races.

  • Purple

    Your skin is a shade that is unnatural to Humans, being a shade of purple. This skin color is fairly uncommon amongst Dark Elves, and rare among the other races.

  • Clear

    Your skin is oddly lacking in any color at all, being completely transparent, so your flesh, organs, and bones are visible. Extremely rare in any race.

Hair/Fur Color

  • Black

    Your hair is a shade that is natural to Humans, being black in color.

  • Brown

    Your hair is a shade that is natural to Humans, being a brown color.

  • Auburn

    Your hair is a shade that is natural to Humans, being an auburn color.

  • Ginger

    Your hair is a shade that is natural to Humans, being a ginger color.

  • Blonde

    Your hair is a color that is natural to Humans, being a blonde color.

  • White

    Your hair is a shade that is natural to Humans, being white in color.

  • Gray

    Your hair is a shade that is natural to Humans, being grey in color.

  • Blue

    Your hair is a shade that is unnatural to Humans, being a shade of blue.

  • Purple

    Your hair is a shade that is unnatural to Humans, being a shade of purple.

  • Pink

    Your hair is a shade that is unnatural to Humans, being a shade of pink.

  • Red

    Your hair is a shade that is unnatural to Humans, being a shade of red.

  • Orange

    Your hair is a shade that is unnatural to Humans, being a shade of orange.

  • Yellow

    Your hair is a shade that is unnatural to Humans, being a shade of yellow.

  • Green

    Your hair is a shade that is unnatural to Humans, being a shade of green.

  • Clear

    Your hair is oddly lacking in any color at all, being completely transparent.


  • Natural

    Your eyes are normal in appearance and function, with basic irises and pupils that allow you to see it there is enough light, and allow you to perceive light in the three base colors of the visible spectrum Humans are naturally able to perceive.

    0 Points

  • Animalistic

    Your eyes appear like those of an animal, and possess altered functionality, able to see more clearly in low-light conditions, allowing you to more clearly perceive any objects at a distance, and making it easier to distinguish depth and movement.

    -10 Points

  • Unnatural

    Your eyes appear strange, unlike those of any creature, and possess vastly increased functionality, able to see in total darkness and perceive two additional base colors of the visible spectrum, as well as perceive objects more clearly at greater distances.

    -20 Points

  • Brown

    Your eyes are a shade of brown, a color commonly found among Humans of every region, but especially the West and South.

  • Hazel

    Your eyes are a shade of hazel, a color uncommonly seen among Humans, but most often in those of the East and South.

  • Green

    Your eyes are a shade of green, a color rarely seen among Humans, but fairly common among Elves, Goblins, and Fairies.

  • Amber

    Your eyes are a shade of amber, a color commonly found among Beastmen, but rarely seen among the other races.

  • Yellow

    Your eyes are a shade of yellow, a color that is fairly uncommon among Beastmen, and very rarely seen among other races.

  • Orange

    Your eyes are a shade of orange, a color that is fairly uncommon among Goblins and Fairies, and rarely seen in other races.

  • Red

    Your eyes are a shade of red, a color that is rarely found among Dark Elves, and very rarely seen in other races.

  • Pink

    Your eyes are a shade of pink, a color that is fairly uncommon among Fairies, and very rarely seen among any other races.

  • Purple

    Your eyes are a shade of purple, a color that is most commonly seen among Dark Elves, and rarely seen among other races.

  • Blue

    Your eyes are a shade of blue, a color found in Humans of the North, and fairly commonly seen among Elves and Fairies.

  • Black

    Your eyes are pitch black in color, a shade rarely seen among any race, but slightly more common among Dark Elves.

  • Grey

    Your eyes are a shade of grey, a color that is found in Humans of the North, as well as commonly seen in Elves and Dark Elves.

  • White

    Your eyes are bleach white in color, a shade rarely seen among any race, but slightly more common among Fairies.

Eye Modifiers

You may select eye modifiers for You may select ONE Eye Modifier by paying 15 Points. You may select ONE additional Eye Modifier for 30 Points, or TWO additional Eye Modifiers for 45 Points. While "active", each Eye Modifier slowly exhausts your Stamina or Mana.

  • Pure Sight

    You have no special ocular abilities; your sight will be unburdened by the weight of keeping secrets from your soul. You may NOT select any Eye Modifiers in addition to this one, except for Clear Sight; you may NOT select the EVIL EYE Power.

  • Blood Sight

    You are able to "activate" your eyes, allowing you to perceive the life-force and general health of any living beings, even through solid obstacles. While "active", your eyes glow with a soft eerie light, radiating with bloodlust.

  • Star Sight

    You are able to "activate" your eyes, allowing you to perceive magical energies, such as Mana, even at a great distance and/or through solid obstacles. While "active", your eyes become glassy and reflective, and appear to be faceted like a gemstone.

  • Harmonic Sight

    You are able to "activate" your eyes, allowing you to perceive patterns and then predict the next movement and action of a target(s). While "active", symbols appearing as sheet music form in your irises.

  • Mystic Sight

    You are able to "activate" your eyes, allowing you to perceive magical energies and recognize the type, power, and effects of any Spell after only a few brief moments. While "active", symbols appearing as magic circle formulas form in your irises.

  • Clear Sight

    You are able to "activate" perceive and see through your eyes, allowing you to any non-physical illusions and/or disguises. While "active", your eyes become highly reflective like a very well-polished mirror.

  • Shining Sight

    You are able to "activate" your eyes, allowing you to perceive the Aura of any living or non-living beings or objects, even at a great distance and/or through solid obstacles. While "active", your eyes shimmer and sparkle with flashes of colorful light.

  • Prismatic Sight

    You are able to "activate" your eyes, allowing you to perceive any and all non-physical energies as various shades of color. While "active", your eyes constantly change color to represent the various different energies you are perceiving.

  • Elemental Sight

    You are able to "activate" your eyes, allowing you to perceive both physical and non-physical elemental energy, of any type, even at a great distance and/or through obstacles. While "active", your eyes shimmer and glow with a smoldering inner light.

  • Natural Sight

    You are able to "activate" your eyes, allowing you to perceive the life-force of living beings and recognize their species/type, natural powers/abilities, and resistances/weaknesses after only a few brief moments. While "active", a flower-like symbol forms in your irises.


  • Feminine

    Your voice is distinctly feminine in tone and pitch, making you sound like a girl.

  • Neutral

    Your voice is rather androgynous in tone and pitch, making you sound like you may be either male or female.

  • Masculine

    Your voice is distinctly masculine in tone and pitch, making you sound like a man.

Choose up to THREE Voice Modifiers

  • Cute

    Your voice has a child-like cuteness to it, making you sound less threatening, but also making it somewhat harder to take you seriously when you speak.

  • Sultry

    Your voice has a seductive quality to it, making you sound like you're always flirting when you speak. Also makes you a bit more pleasant to listen to.

  • Monotone

    Your voice is flat and stoic regardless of whatever emotional state you're in. You sound rather bored and/or boring at all times, no matter the situation.

  • Soft

    Your voice is soft and quiet and you have to actively put in effort to make your voice louder, regardless of your emotional state or the situation you are in.

  • Loud

    Your voice is loud and very distinct and you have to actively put in effort to be quiet, regardless of your emotional state or the situation you are in.

  • High

    Your voice is very high in pitch, making you sound more distinct and possibly even silly. You sound somewhat younger and less mature, regardless.

  • Deep

    Your voice is very low in pitch, making you sound more distinct and possibly even imposing. You sound somewhat older and more mature, regardless.

  • Song-like

    Your voice rises and falls and flows as though you're always singing, changing to match your emotional state and how impassioned you are while speaking.

  • Nasty

    Your voice has some gross quality to it, like a raspy or gurgly sound, that makes you far more unpleasant to listen to and possibly very annoying to others.

  • Scary

    Your voice has a guttural gruffness to sound it, making you more threatening, and making it hard not to take everything you say as seriously as possible.


  • Unchanged

    You may select this only if you are Male before coming to the Tentacle Realm. You keep your penis and balls, or an exact replica of them, for your new body.

    Do NOT choose any Penis Modifiers.

  • Standard

    Your penis is remarkably similar to most normal penises, considering your Race.

    -5 Points

    Choose TWO Penis Modifiers.

  • Altered

    Your penis has been enhanced in some way or form beyond what is normal for members of your Race.

    Choose up to FOUR Penis Modifiers.

    -10 Points

Penis Modifiers

  • Large

    Your penis is ONE-HALF of an inch larger in length. You may select this up to twelve times (counts as ONE Modifier, but costs more Points). Cannot be taken with Small.

    -1 Points

  • Girthy

    Your penis is ONE-HALF of an inch larger in diameter. You may select this up to twelve times (counts as ONE Modifier, but costs more Points). Cannot be taken with Skinny.

    -1 Points

  • Stamina

    Stamina You are able to engage in sexual activity without any need for recuperation for about three times as long as the average person. Cannot be taken with Quickshot.

    -10 Points

  • Virile

    Your semen is roughly ten times more potent than the average member of your Race. Cannot be taken with Sterile.

    -5 Points

  • Reservoir

    You produce roughly three times the amount of semen when ejaculating when compared to the average member of your Race. Cannot be taken with Dry.

    -5 Points

  • Small

    Your penis is ONE-HALF of an inch shorter. You may select this up to twelve times (still only counts as ONE Modifier). Cannot be taken with Large.

    +1 Points

  • Skinny

    Your penis is ONE-HALF of an inch thinner. You may select this up to twelve times (still only counts as ONE Modifier). Cannot be taken with Girthy.

    +1 Points

  • Quickshot

    You reach orgasm due to engaging in sexual activity in one-third the time of the average person. Cannot be taken with Stamina.

    +5 Points

  • Sterile

    Sterile Your semen is completely impotent. Cannot be taken with Virile.

    +5 Points

  • Drought

    You produce only about one-third the amount of semen when ejaculating compared to the average member of your Race. Cannot be taken with Reservoir.

    +5 Points


  • Unchanged

    You may select this only if you are Female before coming to the Tentacle Realm. You keep your vagina, or an exact replica of it, for your new body.

    Do NOT choose any Vagina Modifiers.

  • Standard

    Your vagina is remarkably similar to most normal vaginas, considering your Race.

    Choose TWO Vagina Modifiers.

    -5 Points

  • Altered

    Your vagina has been enhanced in some way or form beyond what is normal for members of your Race.

    Choose up to FOUR Vagina Modifiers.

    -10 Points

Vagina Modifiers

  • Deep

    Your vagina is able to take insertions up to twelve inches long without any pain or discomfort. Cannot be taken with Shallow.

    -5 Points

  • Tight

    Your vagina is only able to take small insertions with no pain or discomfort (up to one inch in diameter). Cannot be taken with Loose.

    +5 Points

  • Sensitive

    You reach orgasm due to engaging in sexual activity in one-third the time of the average person. Cannot be taken with Dull.

    -10 Points

  • Fertile

    You are three times as likely to get pregnant any time your vagina is ejaculated into. Cannot be taken with Sterile.

    -5 Points

  • Wet

    Your vagina will produce roughly twice as much lubrication when aroused compared to the average member of your Race. Cannot be taken with Dry.

    -5 Points

  • Shallow

    Your vagina is only able to take small insertions with no pain or discomfort (up to three inches in length). Cannot be taken with Deep.

    +5 Points

  • Loose

    Your vagina is able to take insertions up to six inches in diameter without any pain or discomfort. Cannot be taken with Tight.

    -5 Points

  • Dull

    You require engaging in sexual activity for three times longer than the average person before you can reach orgasm. Cannot be taken with Sensitive.

    +5 Points

  • Sterile

    You are completely unable to become pregnant. Cannot be taken with Fertile.

    +5 Points

  • Dry

    Your vagina will produce less than half as much lubrication when aroused compared to the average member of your Race. Cannot be taken with Wet.

    +5 Points


  • Unchanged

    You keep your anus, colon, etc., or an exact replica of them, for your new body, regardless of your Race.

    Do NOT choose any Anus Modifiers.

  • Standard

    Your anus is remarkably similar to most normal anus, considering your Race.

    Choose up to TWO Anus Modifiers.

    -5 Points

  • Altered

    Your anus has been enhanced in some way or form beyond what is normal for members of your Race.

    Choose up to FOUR Anus Modifiers.

    -10 Points

Anus Modifiers

  • Deep

    Your anus is able to take insertions up to twenty inches long without any pain or discomfort. Cannot be taken with Shallow.

    -5 Points

  • Tight

    Your anus is only able to take small insertions with no pain or discomfort (up to one inch in diameter). Cannot be taken with Loose.

    +5 Points

  • Sensitive

    Your anus is as sexually sensitive as the vagina of an average member of your Race. Cannot be taken with Dull.

    -10 Points

  • Clean

    Your anus is naturally self-cleaning, producing no offensive smells and requiring no wiping after defecation. Cannot be taken with Dirty.

    -10 Points

  • Wet

    Your anus will naturally produce lubrication like the vagina of an average member of your Race when you are aroused. Cannot be taken with Dry.

    -5 Points

  • Shallow

    Your anus is only able to take small insertions with no pain or discomfort (up to five inches in length). Cannot be taken with Deep.

    +5 Points

  • Loose

    Your anus is able to take insertions up to six inches in diameter without any pain or discomfort. Cannot be taken with Tight.

    -5 Points

  • Dull

    Your anus is not sexually sensitive at all, meaning you cannot reach orgasm from anal sexual activity. Cannot be taken with Sensitive.

    +5 Points

  • Dirty

    Dirty Your anus is disgusting, producing more offensive smells and being difficult to thoroughly wipe after defecation. Cannot be taken with Clean.

    +5 Points

  • Dry

    Your anus is difficult to keep lubricated even with unnatural lubrication, and is thus harder and more painful to penetrate. Cannot be taken with Wet.

    +5 Points


  • Unchanged

    You keep your mouth, throat, etc., or an exact replica of them, for your new body, regardless of your Race.

    Do NOT choose any Mouth Modifiers.

  • Standard

    Your mouth is remarkably similar to most normal mouths, considering your Race.

    Choose up to TWO Mouth Modifiers.

    -5 Points

  • Altered

    Your mouth has been enhanced in some way or form beyond what is normal for members of your Race.

    Choose up to FOUR Mouth Modifiers.

    -10 Points

Mouth Modifiers

  • Deep

    Your mouth/throat can take insertions up to ten inches long without any gagging or discomfort. Cannot be taken with Shallow.

    -5 Points

  • Tight

    Your mouth/throat can only take small insertions with no gagging or discomfort (up to one-half inch in diameter). Cannot be taken with Loose.

    +5 Points

  • Sensitive

    Your mouth/throat is as sexually sensitive as the vagina of an average member of your Race. Cannot be taken with Dull.

    -10 Points

  • Clean

    Your mouth/throat is naturally self-cleaning, producing no offensive smells and requiring no brushing or flossing. Cannot be taken with Dirty.

    -10 Points

  • Wet

    Your mouth/throat will produce more saliva when you are aroused. Cannot be taken with Dry.

    -5 Points

  • Shallow

    Your mouth/throat can only take small insertions with no gagging or discomfort (up to three inches in length). Cannot be taken with Deep.

    +5 Points

  • Loose

    Your mouth/throat can take insertions up to five inches in diameter without any gagging or discomfort. Cannot be taken with Tight.

    -5 Points

  • Dull

    Your mouth/throat is not sexually sensitive at all, meaning you cannot reach orgasm from oral sexual activity. Cannot be taken with Sensitive.

    +5 Points

  • Dirty

    Your mouth/throat is disgusting, producing more offensive smells and being difficult to thoroughly brush or floss. Cannot be taken with Clean.

    +5 Points

  • Dry

    Your mouth/throat will produce very little saliva at all. Cannot be taken with Wet.

    +5 Points


Choose ONE Aura Type

  • Flowing

    Your aura flows like running water, and is easily attuned to the Elements of Water, Air, Metal, and Blood. Utilizing these Elements, magically or otherwise, is a bit easier and feels more natural, but it is slightly harder for you to utilize and learn Spells of other Elements. Choose either Water, Air, Metal, or Blood: that Element is the one your Aura is most attuned to; you are slightly resistant to any damage from that Element (regardless of source), and if you are capable of manipulating that Element, doing so will be less tiring and/or consume less Energy/Mana.

  • Blazing

    Your aura blazes like bursting flame, and is easily attuned to the Elements of Fire, Lightning, Holy, and Dark. Utilizing these Elements, magically or otherwise, is a bit easier and feels more natural, but it is slightly harder for you to utilize and learn Spells of other Elements. Choose either Fire, Lightning, Holy, or Dark: that Element is the one your Aura is most attuned to; you are slightly resistant to any damage from that Element (regardless of source), and if you are capable of manipulating that Element, doing so will be less tiring and/or consume less Energy/Mana.

  • Billowing

    Your aura billows like rising smoke, and is easily attuned to the Elements of Air, Earth, Fungi, and Dark. Utilizing these Elements, magically or otherwise, is a bit easier and feels more natural, but it is slightly harder for you to utilize and learn Spells of other Elements. Choose either Air, Earth, Fungi, or Dark: that Element is the one your Aura is most attuned to; you are slightly resistant to any damage from that Element (regardless of source), and if you are capable of manipulating that Element, doing so will be less tiring and/or consume less Energy/Mana.

  • Shining

    Your aura shines like radiant light, and is easily attuned to the Elements of Holy, Fire, Ice, and Plant. Utilizing these Elements, magically or otherwise, is a bit easier and feels more natural, but it is slightly harder for you to utilize and learn of other Elements. Choose either Holy, Fire, Ice, or Plant: that Element is the one your Aura is most attuned to; you Spells are slightly resistant to any damage from that Element (regardless of source), andif you are capable of manipulating that Element, doing so will be less tiring and/or consume less Energy/Mana.

  • Sparking

    Your aura sparks like crackling electricity, and is easily attuned to the Elements of Lightning, Metal, Holy, and Dark. Utilizing these Elements, magically or otherwise, is a bit easier and feels more natural, but it is slightly harder for you to utilize and learn Spells of other Elements. Choose either Lightning, Metal, Holy, or Dark: that Element is the one your Aura is most attuned to; you are slightly resistant to any damage from that Element (regardless of source), andif you are capable of manipulating that Element, doing so will be less tiring and/or consume less Energy/Mana.

  • Bubbling

    Your aura bubbles like boiling liquid, and is easily attuned to the Elements of Acid, Water, Blood, and Air. Utilizing these Elements, magically or otherwise, is a bit easier and feels more natural, but it is slightly harder for you to utilize and learn Spells of other Elements. Choose either Acid, Water, Blood, or Air: that Element is the one your Aura is most attuned to; you are slightly resistant to any damage from that Element (regardless of source), and if you are capable of manipulating that Element, doing so will be less tiring and/or consume less Energy/Mana.

  • Static

    Your aura is still and holds close to your physical form, and is easily attuned to the Elements of Ice, Plant, Fungi, and Candy. Utilizing these Elements, magically or otherwise, is a bit easier and feels more natural, but it is slightly harder for you to utilize and learn Spells of other Elements. Choose either Ice, Plant, Fungi, or Candy: that Element is the one your Aura is most attuned to; you are slightly resistant to any damage from that Element (regardless of source), and if you are capable of manipulating that Element, doing so will be less tiring and/or consume less Energy/Mana.

  • Rough

    Your aura is still but expands out from your physical form, and is more easily attuned to the Elements of Earth, Metal, Acid, and Candy. Utilizing these Elements, magically or otherwise, is a bit easier and feels more natural, but it is slightly harder for you to utilize and learn Spells of other Elements. Choose either Earth, Metal, Acid, or Candy: that Element is the one your Aura is most attuned to; you are slightly resistant to any damage from that Element (regardless of source), and if you are capable of manipulating that Element, doing so will be less tiring and/or consume less Energy/Mana.

  • Hybrid

    Your aura behaves in a manner similar to two different Aura Types at once. Choose TWO Aura Types to combine, and then select TWO Elements from each to represent the FOUR Elements you are more easily attuned to. Utilizing those Elements, magically or otherwise, is a bit easier and feels more natural, but it is slightly harder for you to utilize and learn Spells of other Elements. Choose TWO of those Elements for your Aura to be most attuned to; you are slightly resistant to any damage from both of those Elements (regardless of source), and if you are capable of manipulating those Elements, doing so will be less tiring and/or consume less Energy/Mana.

    -40 Points

Aura Color

Select the ONE Color of your Aura, if you have Multi-Color Aura you can select TWO additional colors.

  • White

    Your Aura is white, a sign your body's natural energy is aligned with the domain of Death or Peace.

  • Yellow

    Your Aura is yellow, a sign your body's natural energy is aligned with the domain of Purity or Greed.

  • Orange

    You Aura is orange, a sign your body's natural energy is aligned with the domain of Authority or Pride.

  • Red

    Your Aura is red, a sign your body's natural energy is aligned with the domain of Selfishness or Wrath.

  • Pink

    Your Aura is pink, a sign your body's natural energy is aligned with the domain of Dreams or Lust.

  • Purple

    Your Aura is purple, a sign your body's natural energy is aligned with the domain of Satisfaction or Gluttony.

  • Blue

    Your Aura is blue, a sign your body's natural energy is aligned with the domain of Inspiration or Sloth.

  • Green

    Aura is green, a sign your body's natural energy is aligned with the domain of Freedom or Envy.

  • Gray

    Your Aura is grey, a sign your body's natural energy is aligned with the domain of Order or Poverty.

  • Black

    Your Aura is black, a sign your body's natural energy is aligned with the domain of Chaos or Obsession.

Extra Body Features

  • Skin Markings

    Your skin features some birthmark, beauty mark, or other natural markings somewhere on your body that give you a more unique appearance.

  • Heterochromia

    Each of your eyes is a different color. Choose two colors from among those available. You may select up to two Eye Modifiers at the original 15 Point cost, instead of one.

  • Dark Sclera

    Dark Sclera Your eyes' sclera are black in color instead of white, giving your eyes a rather alien and/or corrupt look that makes the color of your irises stand out more.

  • Quirky Hair

    Your hair has a feature that is odd or uncommon, that such as a permanent ahoge or strange hairstyle does not require any effort to maintain, or has an additional color mixed in.

  • Metallic Color

    Your skin and/or hair now have a metallic appearance that causes you to appear more sleek and shiny. You can choose this again for both your skin and hair.

  • Alt. Texture

    Your skin is a different texture than any normal Human's skin, being either abnormally smooth or rough, and/or having another odd quality to it.

  • Multi-Color Skin

    A large percentage of your skin is a different color. It may be that only certain body parts are this color, or you may have varied patches across your body.

  • Double-Voice

    Your voice has the strange quality of sounding like two individuals are talking at once whenever you talk. Choose an additional Voice Type and Modifiers for the second voice that speaks alongside your first.

  • Mulit-Color Aura

    Your Aura is comprised of a mix of two different color options, instead of one, and you are thus aligned partially with two different domains. You may select this option Twice to select a third color option that is mixed into your Aura.

    Select this in the section above.

  • Odd Manifestation

    Your aura has a unique elemental manifestation, atypical for its type. Choose an Element(s) your Aura Type is not attuned to: replace your attunement with that Element(s) for free, or gain an attunement to each by paying 15 Points per additional Element you are attuned to, up to a maximum total of FIVE different Elements.

Mutations - Advanced Alterations

    Mutaion Combos

    The following are entirely optional Mutations which require possessing certain other Mutations.


      You feel an odd sense of power flowing through your body. It feels good. It feels right.

      You may spend any extra Points you have on making yourself more powerful or more capable.


        These tattoos will become a part of your body and soul, inked into your very being with Divine Magic, and cannot be removed or suppressed except through the use of similarly powerful magics.

          Magic Seals

          These are Magic Seals, which are similar to Magic Tattoos, but are typically temporary when they are applied normally, requireing either the Mana of the individual who applied them, or the bearer's Mana, in order to maintain. You may not select these Seals without specifying wether they are maintained by your own Mana, or by another individual, if yhey are maintained by another individual, you must also specigy who that individual is. The individual you select may be your Master, Employer, or Potentially even your Living Clothes.


            Oops! Looks like you may have soaked up some Corruption. No, no, it's alright, a little bit of Corruption never hurt anyone. In fact, Corruption is one of the few thing you could drown in and live just fine! You might feel a little different now though.

            Each Curse has its own "Corruption Value". For every Point of "Corruption Value" you receive from Curses, you subtract one Point of Corruption. These Curses cannot be removed without completing a specific Quest(s). Curses overrule and/or take priority over all Mutations and Powers